Natural Way to Whiten Teeth at Home!

Fruit and vegetables that need chewing – such as apples, carrots, cauliflower, green beans and celery act like a toothbrush during meals, scrubbing the surface of the teeth as people chew.

Additionally, these foods simulate the secretion of saliva, which neutralizes acid and protects your teeth.

After the procedure of your teeth whitening, it’s important for you to watch what you eat, because certain foods help you to maintain the whiteness, while on the other hand there are foods that easily leave dark spots on the teeth.

Lactic acid will help you prevent decay, and hard cheeses are also effective because they remove other food particles.

On the other hand, tobacco, soy sauce, carbonated drinks, red and white wine and also blueberry leave a stain on the tooth enamel.

However, be careful! Although, you whiten your teeth at the dentist or you use the home whitening products really will whiten your teeth, it still may leave certain consequences.

It may cause short-term tooth sensitivity, while there can also be a long-term effects, such as erosion of tooth enamel. So before you start whitening your teeth, you need a dental consultation.