How To Stop Hair Loss Fast And Naturally

Once you notice that your hair is getting thinner or disappearing entirely, you know that aging is taking its stride and leaves its effects on the body. For men, hair loss eventually results in complete loss of hair and a receding hairline, while for women; it tends to result in thinner hair that falls out easily.

The most important thing is stay calm and think about the possible solutions to stop the hair loss. The following remedies will help you solve this issue and get back your hair in no time.

Causes of Hair Loss :

Several factors can cause hair loss. Some of them can be prevented, allowing you to start improving your hair`s state right away. However, some of them cannot be prevented because they are simply beyond your control. Whichever of the possible causes you are facing with, it is good to know which one is causing your problem, so that you take the proper steps.

  1. Tension in The Hair

When it comes to women, wearing the hair in a bright, bun, or tight ponytail may cause hair loss as a  result of the tension in the hair. On the other hand, for men, this problem can be caused by wearing hats all the time.

  1. Genetics

Well, it is not surprising that if your parents suffer from hair loss, you are likely to experience the same problem once you reach a certain age. Luckily, you can act against this problem by using the following remedies.

  1. Hair Structure

The hair structure strongly influences how easily you lose it. In case you have an extremely thin hair, it is likely to break and fall out.

  1. Hair Products or Tools

There are certain hair tools and products that weaken the hair and make it more susceptible to falling out. Some of those tools are the hair straighteners and curling irons, tools which do a notable damage to the hair.

Home Remedies :

  1. Protein

Protein intake can significantly affect your overall hair state. As a matter of fact, it is not surprising that increase in the protein intake can have a huge impact on your health, because the hair itself is mainly made up of protein. You should focus on consuming protein-rich foods, such as dairy products, lentils, beans, meat, and eggs.

  1. Oil Massage

A nice oil massage is one of the best stimulants of hair growth. It also strengthens your scalp as well as the hair you already have. There are many oils available, and the following ones are some of the recommended:

  • Coconut oil
  • Geranium oil
  • Olive oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Rosemary oil

You should perform the massage after washing your hair and partially drying it. Put a little bit of the oil in your hands, and massage it into the scalp. Repeat this procedure once on daily basis.

  1. Onion Juice

Even though onion juice has a strong smell that few people find it bearable, it is still one of the most effective home remedies. Put a whole onion in a juicer and use the resulting liquid as a rinse after shampooing our hair. Make sure you condition and rinse the hair afterwards, so that you neutralize the onion smell.

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

We already know that nutrition is one of the main factors in our hair growth and its overall health. These acids should definitely be included in your diet, as they stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. In addition, they improve hair`s elasticity, which in turn lowers the risk of breakage. Some of the best sources of omega-3 fats are the following:

  • Flaxseed
  • Soybeans
  • Salmon
  • Walnuts