Castor Oil is Great For Thickening And Regrowing Hair, Eyelashes And Eyebrows

Many people don’t even consider the castor oil as remedy for their hair and skin, because of its thick and sticky consistency. But the fact is that it has many benefits for your skin and hair and at the same time you will save money because it’s much cheaper than the rest of the products that you can find in the markets.

Use the castor oil for regrowing and thickening hair, eyelashes and eyebrows

Back in the nineties I followed the fashion of thin eyebrows, because all the girls used to do that. As the time has passed and they were no longer in fashion I wanted to get my old eyebrows back. But the problem was that they had never fully recovered, there were “bald” spots and I had to pencil them. That’s the time when I decided to try the castor oil for the first time.

After I read about its benefits I decided immediately to try it out, so I bought a hexane free and organic one. Every night before going to sleep I washed my face and applied the castor oil on my eyebrows. After about 3 months have passed I noticed that they were slightly thicker and darker as well. Because castor oil is the only thing that I used at that time I attributed the changes to it.

Later I came to conclusion that I’m not the only person to whom the castor oil helped. Maybe you think for the reasons why and how the castor oil helps you regrow hair on your head, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Well, Castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid which is very effective natural ant-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. So as you may conclude it fights against bacteria that may inhabit the hair growth. And its thick consistence protects the hair from falling.

Another thing about Castor oil is that it is high in omega 9 fatty acids and at the same time has the ability to penetrate deeply into the pores and follicles that produce hair.

Another benefit from castor oil is that it gives a lush glossiness and shine to the hair. If you want to use it only as a natural hair smoother than apply it only to the very ends of your hair.  You will need only two drops of this oil on your hands to rub the hair ends. Make sure not to use too much because it might make your hair look greasy. As the time passes you will figure out how much of this oil your hair needs.

But if you want to regrow your hair and that’s the reason why you use it, than use it as scalp treatment. Add to it some lighter oil such as melted coconut oil, apricot kernel oil to help get it spreadable enough.

The pure castor oil can be used for hair that is thick at the ends. The eyelashes can be also thickened if you apply castor oil on them.

Castor oil for scar tissue reduction and shiny, smooth lips

Because of its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin the castor oil can be used for treatment of keloid types of scars and other scars that involve a lot of hardened scar tissue.

This ability to break down deep scar tissues of the castor oil is attributed to its ability to soften the skin in general. Also this oil has been considered as a stimulating agent for white blood cells. One of the reasons why it helps and speeds wound healing might be that it has the ability to reduce inflammatory response in subcutaneous tissue. This ability also helps reduce scarring more quickly.

If you want to have soft lips you can have them by using castor oil. The lips can recover on their own, but if they are dehydrated they will begin to peel. With this oil you will avoid that.
Its fatty acids will make your lips smooth. Another good thing about this oil is that it does not budge on its own and you will have to wipe your lips to remove it. Among all this health benefits it will make your lips better looking by giving them natural shine.

Sourced: justnaturallyhealthy