“Snake Oil” Tincture of Miraculous Plant That Heals Everything

Most of the people are not familiar with the miraculous plant Echinacea. Many people have this plant in their homes as decorative flower and they are not aware of the medical properties this plant has. Even people who cultivate the Echinacea do not know the real powerful properties of this amazingly powerful plant.

“Snake Oil” Tincture of Miraculous Plant That Heals Everything

We present you a story related to the plant Echinacea. By the end of 19th century there was a man by the name of Professor King whose wife managed to cure with the help of the tincture of Echinacea. The story goes back to the 18th century and it is related to a man named Joseph Meyer from Pouni City, Nebraska. This man was a seller and used to sell many things on his caravan. Among those things was an alcoholic tonic made from the roots of some plants from Kansas and the recipe was his Indian friends. This alcoholic tonic was put in a bottle and sold as a cure for all diseases. Joseph traveled everywhere selling the tonic, including the West. He became very renowned as both entertainer and physician.

In order to prove how effective this remedy is, he used to let a rattlesnake bite him in front of everyone. Interestingly, he never got poisoned. That is why the tincture was known as ‘snake oil salesman”. Joseph claimed that this product is a cure for everything including mad dog bites and various types of infections. Not that he just claimed, but it really looked so.

In the 19th century Joseph and Professor King mentioned in the very beginning, finally meet. Joseph actually wanted to find out what kind of plant he was using to make the tincture and took the tonic to Professor King. At that time Professor King was one of the most famous physicians and author of the King’s American Dispensator. King just laughed and told Joseph that he must be crazy for thinking that the identity of the plant can be determined from the bottle Joseph had handed to him. He put the bottle of snake oil under the bench of his house and told Joseph to send the plant to the laboratory. Interestingly, at the same time King`s wife was suffering from cancer and her days were coming to an end. The Professor tried everything he could but her condition didn’t improve at all. One of the most famous physicians of that time made a special herbal supplement for her which was known to be one of the best and most effective one in America at the time.

Unfortunately, this didn’t help at all and King`s wife was dying. In the meantime, Joseph had already sent the whole plant to Professor King who placed it somewhere in the house. Shockingly, after few month King`s wife was completely cancer-free. King was very happy and proud at the same time, since he thought that the medications and medical advices he gave her finally gave results. Then, his wife told them that she stopped taking the medications few months ago and that the only thing she used was the ‘snake oil” sent by Joseph. King was taken aback when he found out that actually it was the “snake oil’ that cured his loving wife.

Sourced: healthylifehouse