9 Early Signs of Diabetes You Must Know (#2 is so Often Overlooked)

Diabetes is a real epidemic in the United States, and statistics reveal alarming numbers. This disease affects over 29 million Americans.One in three people has an increased risk of developing diabetes symptoms at some point in their lives. Another 86 million people have prediabetes. 30 percent of them develop type 2 diabetes within five years.

Patients with type 1 diabetes usually develop symptoms in a sudden, short time period. The condition is often diagnosed in emergency settings.

On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes progresses quite slowly. Symptoms sometimes appear gradually, which is why they are often overlooked. Some do not experience any early symptoms at all.

The following early signs of diabetes are most common:

  • Increased urination is probably the most common.

A significant increase in the number of urinated (Polyuria) is a symptom of high blood sugar.As a reference point, the average person writes 4 to 7 times within 24 hours.

Waking up during the night, although you already went before the bed, is a good sign.

  • Early signs of diabetes is excessive thirst

Drinking unusually large amounts of fluid throughout the day, even overnight, are a sharp symptom.

Normally, people drinks 4 liters (1 gallon) or more daily.

The more you drink, the more you urinate.

  • You feel very hungry 

Those with diabetes may have an insatiable appetite. For healthy and not so healthy foods.

The brain constantly tells you to eat, as if you did not eat something.

  • Unexpected and unintended loss of weight

Fast and unintentional weight loss is one of the obvious signs of diabetes. It can be lose from 5-10 kg (11-22 pounds) within a few weeks or months.

This symptom is typical of those with type 1 diabetes,because sugar
metabolism can be stopped very quickly.

  •  Unusual fatigue and feeling very weak

Diabetes will leave you feeling lousy, tired and lazy.

It can even be described as fatigue, where you are feeling too weak to do your regular everyday activities. (pins and needles) or numbness in hands or feet

Early signs of diabetes blured vision

Distorted or blurred vision, as well as commonly seen “eye floaters”, is a common symptom of diabetes.

Fortunately, this is a highly reversible problem when the high blood sugar level is corrected.

  • Itchy or dry skin

 Darken skin around the armpits or neck

  • Cuts or wounds that are very slow to heal