Your Secret Weight-Loss Ingredient: Vinegar

Many people speak of vinegar’s fat burning abilities. According to several studies, consumption of apple cider vinegar leads to weight loss, reduction in abdominal fat, lower triglycerides, and reduction of blood sugar spikes when taken before a meal. But there haven’t been many studies involving vinegar and humans. Therefore, there need to be more studies conducted in order to prove that vinegar has an effect on weight.

Your Secret Weight-Loss Ingredient  Vinegar

However, vinegar has an amazing ability to add a burst of flavor to our food and it only has three calories per tablespoon. The following tips will show you how to use vinegar to cut calories and eat more vegetables.

Vary your vinegars

There are many types of vinegar available now, from the basic distilled white vinegar to the fancy herb­ and fruit ­infused vinegars. Actually, there are stores only devoted to vinegar and oil. Vinegars infused with fruit flavors, like blueberry, pear, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate, blackberry­ and ginger will add new, exciting and complex taste to your dishes.

Make your own low­ calorie salad dressings

When you make your own salad dressings you can control exactly what goes into them. If you use more vinegar and less oil, you can make your own light salad dressing. When you want you can change up the flavor of the dressing by using different varieties of vinegar.

Combine your vinegar, herbs, oil, spices and salt in a jar and shake it up before putting it on your salads or cooked vegetables. You can douse skewered vegetables in your salad dressing before grilling them.

Add flavor to your fish

Instead of putting high ­calorie, fat ­laden tartar sauce on your fish, try adding some malt vinegar to enhance the flavor of the fish. Malt vinegar and fish are a classic combination, and you can make this dish even lower in calories by grilling or baking the fish instead of battering and deep frying it.

Add Flavorful Zing to Your Vegetables

Vegetables are important for our health, but not many people enjoy eating them. You can put a little vinegar on your vegetables in order to enhance their natural and delicious flavors.

Steam your favorite vegetables and then drizzle some balsamic vinegar on them and add some herbs and spices. Balsamic vinegar has a more intense and sweeter flavor than other vinegars.

Slim Down Your Sandwiches

Instead of high fat mayonnaise or other highly caloric sandwich spreads, sprinkle some vinegar (especially if there is lettuce or other vegetables in your sandwich), which will moisten and flavor your sandwiches and wraps.

Boost Flavor in Your Beans

Instead of seasoning beans with salt, put in some vinegar at the end of cooking. It will enhance the taste of the beans so you won’t have to add too much salt. Beans are rich with fiber, protein, iron and phytochemicals and the acidity of the vinegar will increase the absorption of iron in the beans.

Tenderize Lean Meats

Marinate lean cuts of meat (lean meats have less fat and marbling, and can be tough) with vinegar to infuse both moisture and flavor.

Seasoning Stir-­Fry

Rice vinegar mixed with low­ sodium soy sauce works well in stir­-fry dishes or when it is added to steamed brown rice or cooked whole grains.

Vinegar and Sweets

You can sprinkle balsamic vinegar over fresh fruit or ice cream to add a depth of flavor that will delight your taste buds.

Sourced: healthdigezt