Your Blood Type Discovers Whether You Will be Killed by a Heart Attack!  

Blood groups represent the heritage of our ancestors and therefore have much to tell us whether we are destined to get sick from certain diseases. If nothing else, quite accurately predict the risk of heart disease.

The zero blood type has the lowest risk of heart disease, while those with blood groups A, B or AB have a much greater chance of suffering from cardiovascular problems.

Data of researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) collected seven years on a sample of about 50,000 respondents from northwestern Iran. It has been indicated that people with blood group A, B or AB have an average of ten percent higher risk of death from the consequences of difficulties with health than people with blood type is 0.

Patients in the first group had an average of 15 percent higher risk of death from the effects of heart disease than their peers with blood group zero. In addition, subjects with blood groups A, B or AB had an average 55 percent higher risk of death from stomach cancer than in patients with blood group 0.

The researchers said that the results obtained were not affected by factors such as gender, age, smoking, socioeconomic status or ethnic background.