Why Should You Put Onions In Your Socks Before Going To Bed?

You have probably heard that the bottom of our feet possesses potent and direct access points to the internal organs of the body. These access points are called meridians in Chinese Medicine, and they are pathways to each organ in the body.

In fact, there are many different nerve endings located on the feet (approximately about 7,000 meridians), all of which can be linked to different organs in the body. They act as potent electrical circuits in the body. This makes the feet one of the most favorable places for action.

Although many people are quite skeptical about this, the ones who are familiar with Chinese medicine know that the meridian system is closely related to the nervous system.

Given the fact that we wear shoes and don’t use acupuncture in order to stimulate the meridians or nerves, they are often inactive. Therefore, walking barefoot is highly recommended, with the aim to encourage the meridians located on the bottom of your feet. Moreover, this allows you to ground yourself with the earth`s negative ion field.

Both garlic and onion are known as potent air purifiers and they have the ability to kill off bacteria and germs when applied topically to the skin. In addition, the phosphoric acid, the substance naturally found in onion which makes us cry when we cut it open, is very important. Namely, it helps to purify the blood when it enters the bloodstream.

During plague in England, people used to chop onions and leave them in the room in order to purify the air and improve their immune system. This allowed them to protect themselves from flu, infections, and other health conditions.

We present a very simple way to use onions in order to kill bacteria and germs as well as to purify your blood. Make sure you use organic onions because they’re free of pesticides and other chemicals that you don’t want to be in direct contact with your body and to enter your bloodstream overnight. This method is extremely quick and simple:

First, cut the onions into slices so that you can apply them to the bottom of the entire foot, like a platform. Then, place a slice of onion in each sock and go to sleep. As simple as that!

Overnight, the natural healing properties of the onion will work through the skin and thus kill bacteria and germs, purify your blood, and absorb toxins! In addition, they will help to purify the air in the room.

Simply put a slice of onion in the sock before going to sleep! By doing so, you will reap the following health benefits:

1. Kill Bacteria, Germs and Pathogens

Both onions and garlic have the ability to kill bacteria, germs and pathogens. This is due to their potent anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Sometimes, you can even use the onion juice to treat cracked heals. All you have to do is to massage the onion juice onto the heels, as it has great healing properties and it is beneficial for the heels.

2. Purify Your Blood

When absorbed through the skin, the phosphoric acid found in onions purifies the blood.

3. Absorb Toxins

Overnight, the onion coating placed around the feet absorbs chemicals and toxins.