What Happens When You Eat 3 Whole Eggs Every Day…You’ll Be Surprised What It Does To Your Body!

A couple of years ago, health organizations around the world issued a warning concerning the cholesterol content of eggs – like avocados or coconut oil, eggs were believed to harm your health. An average egg contains 180-186 mg. of cholesterol, while the liver produces about 1000-2000 mg. of cholesterol daily.

If you consume cholesterol rich foods, the liver adjusts its production. Eating eggs will not raise your cholesterol levels – you will just be replacing one cholesterol with another.

Here’s why you should eat eggs regularly:

Eggs are rich in vitamin A, B6, E, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and other essential nutrients. It’s really hard to find another food that is so nutritional.


Eggs contain HDL cholesterol, also known as the good cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is not harmful to your health – it will help your body produce more vitamin D and hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and cortisol.

Unlike the bad (LDL) cholesterol, the HDL cholesterol doesn’t stick to the walls of blood vessels – it actually cleans them and prevents diseases such as atherosclerosis. It won’t increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and can lower the levels of the bad cholesterol.

However, regular consumption of eggs can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases if you’re suffering from diabetes.

In order to maintain the balance of cholesterol in your body, you should avoid sugar, eat a healthy diet and regularly exercise.


Eggs are rich in choline, a nutrient that stimulates brain development and improves the memory function. It’s a precursor to a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, and it’s so important to the brain that pregnant women are suggested to take it in order to avoid developmental abnormalities in their unborn babies. About 90% of all Americans are choline deficient, which is why they’re exposed to muscle damage and non-alcoholic liver fatty disease.

Keeps your eyes sharp

Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, powerful carotenoids which can improve your eyesight. They reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and protect the eyes from sunlight damage while reducing the risk of cataract by 50%.

Feed your muscles

Eating just 2 eggs supplies the same amount of protein from 1 serving of meat without exposing yourself to the fat and acidity of meat. Many diets are suggesting eating only the egg white, but this is wrong as half of the protein in eggs is found in the yolk.

Feed your bones

Besides many other nutrients, eggs contain vitamin D and calcium, both needed for proper bone development and strength. Vitamin D will also improve the body’s absorption of calcium, while calcium is needed for proper blood clotting, nerve signals and muscle contractions.

Promote weight loss

Eggs are rich in nutrients and as such are more filling than most foods. They don’t have many calories, which is why they’re ideal for any weight loss diets. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition and the International Journal of Obesity conducted studies which showed that eating eggs for breakfast reduces the amount of food you eat throughout the day. This resulted in weight loss and reduced body fat.


Contrary to the health organizations’ report, eggs are not unhealthy for you, and will actually make you healthier! Eating 2-3 eggs a day is perfectly fine for staying healthy.