Using Natural Remedies to Treat Cancer Patients With Nausea

Cancer is a common thing these days. Only people who undergo this unbearable disease know its difficulties. All types of diseases are treated with chemotherapy, which has a great number of side effects. An inevitable part of chemotherapy is nausea, even in the 70 % of the patients experience it in the treatment.

Using Natural Remedies to Treat Cancer Patients With NauseaWhile nausea is a side effect of some treatments, it also can be a symptom of the cancer itself. To ease this, doctors  tend to prescribe some medicines but now they claim that some naturopathic medicine can help much too. We talked about this issue with Daniel Kellman, Clinical Director of Naturopathic Medicine at our hospital outside Atlanta, and what he said to us about the natural remedies we will present you in the following text.

This is what Kellman said “Pharmaceuticals sometimes work the entire time someone has nausea. Other times, nothing works,” he also added the following: “Having a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care is important because most patients do experience nausea. It’s a problem because when patients are nauseated, they can’t get water or pill down and they can’t eat.”

After this we talked about the natural remedies and the following are the ones that were recommended by doctor Kellman:

  • Ginger: there are capsules and tablets of ginger which can be used for this purpose. And this is the most widely known way for treatment of nausea. Besides this you can also always consume foods made of a real ginger and prepare a ginger tea, because this will have the same effect.  Unbelievably but ginger cookies and candies can also help, yes a tasty desert can help you. But not only that the ginger will help you treat nausea but will also improve your immune system since it contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Arometeraphy:  you can use different aromatherapies, but Lavender is most effective for its cooling and calming effect. The scant will reduce the spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.  Also the smell is associated with memories which boost the calming effect. You can use these scants of lavender and peppermint in a form of an oil and in a form of a hard candies.
  • Acupuncture: this treatment has been used for a long time in China and some other Asian countries. It functions by stimulating different anatomical points in the body.  The particular point for nausea is called Pericardium 6 (PC6), or “Inner Pass” and “Inner Gate”. The point is in the area located on the underside of you arm. Turn your palm to face you and place three fingers at the crease in your wrist. There you will found the PC6 pressure point. Motion sickness bracelets are an easy, natural way to apply pressure to the PC6.
  • Diet: Keep your stomach active during the entire day by consuming small meals in short periods of time. This is a good trick for prevention of nausea. Also consuming certain types of foods such as lemon or chamomile which have calming effect can help you much in the treatment of nausea.

Sourced: cancercenter