Useful Herbs For Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal women can significantly calm down the menopausal symptoms with the use of natural products. The proponents of traditional medicine recommend the use of sage which was used in the old days to calm the heat waves. Sage also reduces night sweats and heavy menstrual cycles.

You can prepare an effective sage tea by taking between 1 to 4 grams of the dry herb and immersing it in boiling water. Then strain the tea and drink three cups a day. If the sage irritates your mouth, then you should drink more water during the day. Sage can cause decreased absorption of calcium and iron, so it is recommended to make a two-hour break between two doses.

St. John’s wort is another beneficial herb which helps with night sweats, insomnia, depression and anxiety. If you can’t find it fresh, ask your doctor to recommend a supplement from a pharmacy.

Red clover should also be on the list of desirable plants for sedation of unwanted symptoms of menopause. Recent studies have shown that the leaves of red clover contain phytoestrogens that are similar to those possessed by soybeans. It is believed that this herb could prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and the bones, which are risks faced by women after menopause. You can talk to your doctor about a daily intake of 40 to 86 miligrams red clover based medications.

Melissa is ideal for women who are sensitive to stress. It has a relaxing effect which makes it helpful with sleep disorders. It soothes and improves the mood when a person has a sense of complete hopelessness. Melissa is also good for improving brain functions, and studies have confirmed that it has a positive influence on memory and concentration. To make an effective melissa tea, immerse 1 – 2 spoons fresh melissa in boiled water. Strain the tea and drink 1- 2 cups two or three times a day. Drink the last dose one hour before going to bed.