Top 5 Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure

Top 5 Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure

We all want to live our lives full with excitement and passion. The variety of daily activities keeps us self-revitalizing and mobile.

However, we tend to develop bad habits while living it up, and they always catch up with us in due time. Many people develop high blood pressure as a result of various factors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of appropriate physical activities and eating fatty foods. Other reasons for our bodies to begin performing in suboptimal conditions are aging and family history.

If left untreated, high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels and lead to life ­threatening conditions such as heart problems, stroke and cardiac arrest. Don’t wait for it to happen when you least expect it. You can immediately start taking proactive measures to manage your blood pressure. It is the best decision you could make for your longevity.

Prescription drugs are still not a permanent cure for high blood pressure. Below are some natural remedies which can help you keep your body in a state of wellness and equilibrium. If you take the following five herbs constantly, they will help you experience excitement through lower blood pressure once again:
1. Passion Flower
This herb is effective in lowering the blood pressure because it reduces stress and anxiety, which are known factors that directly cause an elevation in blood pressure. It is a natural sleeping aid for people who have trouble sleeping.


2. Lavender
A massage with lavender oil can reduce the blood pressure by 50 percent. It works as a vasodilator by relaxing and expanding the blood vessels, which causes the blood pressure to lower. Lavender oil can be applied on the body by massage or by bathing using lavender flowers or the oil itself. You can also use it as a tea by boiling lavender leaves and flowers. The tea will help you treat insomnia and an upset stomach.


3. Holy Basil
The adaptogenic properties of holy basil can help alleviate stress related damage to the cardiovascular health. It prevents biochemical changes induced by stress, supports healthy immune functions, improves energy levels and endurance, and promotes healthy gastric tissue which is often subjected to damage during times of stress. It is also very beneficial for the heart as a blood thinner and it promotes good circulation. It can lower the blood pressure by optimizing cholesterol levels, if taken on a daily basis.


4. Valerian
Valerian is an herb which has the properties of a natural tranquilizer. It relaxes the muscles and lowers the blood pressure. A daily consumption of valerian will aid in a state of overall relaxation and elimination of stress. It will also decrease blood pressure in patients experiencing hypertension.


5. Oregano
Oregano contains the compound carvacrol which is very helpful in lowering blood pressure. It reduces the heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and both your diastolic and systolic blood pressures as well. You can use oregano as an alternative to salt, since the sodium in salt is a leading cause of high blood pressure, and oregano is a sodium free food. A high sodium diet can lead to high blood pressure as each teaspoon of salt has more than 2,300 mg of sodium. A low sodium diet for people with high blood pressure has a limit of 1,500 mg per day.

