This Is Why You Should Never Reboil Water Again

I start every morning by putting kettle on to prepare coffee. This routine gives me energy for the rest of the day, but the way in which I prepare it can also make me more harm than good.

Often when I prepare coffee there is some water left in the kettle from the day before. I just add some more water to it and prepare my coffee, instead of changing the water.

It seems that this is the wrong thing that I do. I always use tap water for preparation of coffee and when it is boiled its chemical composition changes. It drives volatile compounds and dissolves gases.

Well In many cases this is good but when you reboil your tap water, you risk concentrating undesirable chemicals in your water, like nitrates, arsenic, and fluoride.

These is not the case with distillated water because it can be boiled many times and its composition won`t change.

The cancer risk

Some experts claim that reboiling water can cause cancer. However this is not confirmed and there are some more researches waiting to be done to confirm this.

Their theory is that concentrating some toxic substances puts you at risk for illness, and that includes cancer.

For example, nitrates concentrated in reboiled water have been linked to methemoglobinemia and some types of cancer, but it’s hard to say if the concentrations are high enough in reboiled water.

Although there are still doubts I will prefer not to boil the water again and again.