This Drink Melts Fat “Like Crazy”

Maybe this drink will not be tasty, but it is really effective. It will help you reduce weight and get the body line that you always desired. Actually the only ingredient that spoils the taste is the minced hot paper, but without it the drink will not be effective.  In the following text we will gave you the recipe for the Drink that melts fats “Like Crazy”.

This Drink Melts Fat “Like Crazy”

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Juice and rind of one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of apple juice
  • 1 teaspoon minced hot pepper
Instructions how to prepare it:

First of all grind the lemon peel and put it into 240ml of hot water. Leave it like that for about 10 minutes and after that add the rest of the ingredients to it (lemon juice, apple juice and pepper).

Unlike the others drinks for melting fats that are consumed before meals, you should drink this drink after meals. Don’t forget to stir the drink before each use.

Do you wonder what makes this drink so effective? Well we will explain you separately how each ingredient functions.

The minced hot pepper boosts the metabolism and improves the fat burning. It contains capsaicin the ingredient widely known to be responsible for stimulation of the nervous system to produce heat in the body thus stimulating the burning of calories.

The lemon juice is responsible for slowing down the deposition of fat, while the policosanol contained in the bark burns the build-up fat.

Apple juice if consumed regularly dissolves the fat in your body.

Sourced: healthyfoodquotes