There’s a Lot You Don’t Know About “Okra”

Okra, or “lady’s finger” is an amazing vegetable. It’s an edible pea pod that can be eaten raw. If you’re not a fan of the ‘green’ taste, you can quickly stir-fry or lightly blanch it for a healthy snack.

Okra has many health benefits. First of all, it is low in calories but rich in nutrients. It has a high content of fiber, vitamins A and C, and folate. It can also be a good source of vitamins B and K, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. It even has high contents of phytonutrients and antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein, and xanthin.

Okra is also considered to be one of the best available medicinal vegetables. It can help out with the following medical conditions:

  • Anemia – helps in reproduction of blood cell which prevents anemia;
  • Anti-cancer – its high content of antioxidants helps protect the immune system against harmful free radicals that may mutate cells and turn them cancerous;
  • Asthma – its high antioxidants and vitamin C content makes okra useful in reducing asthma attacks;
  • Bone Strength – the folate in okra will help you build strong bones and density that prevents osteoporosis;
  • Cholesterol – okra contains soluble fiber that helps lower serum cholesterol and reduces atherosclerosis and risks of heart diseases;
  • Constipation – its richness in fiber and slimy content in the pods help increase bulk. They also bind to toxins and ensure easy bowel movements since it has natural laxative properties. Regular okra intake may even prevent colon cancer;
  • Diabetes – okra has insulin-like properties that will help you reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Peptic Ulcers – the slimy content in okra provides a temporary coating to the digestive tract and stomach lining while healing from ulcers.

As we mentioned before, okra has plenty of health benefits that make it one of nature’s most impressive vegetables. However, it contains oxalic acid, and while a small amount of oxalic acid won’t hurt anyone, it is best to avoid okra if you have history of getting kidney stones.