The Most Effective Ways To Lower Child’s Fever Without Medication In Less Than 5 Minutes

Every parent is worried when his/hers child is struggling with fever. But the resent studies showed that there is nothing to worry about if there is no other bigger health problem behind it. Fever is natural response of the body on some infection in it. Still when your child burns there are some trick that you should know that will help him feel better quickly. Still have in mind that if the fiver lasts longer you should consult a doctor.

These are 8 methods that you can practice to decrease you child`s temperature:

  1. Brandy and water

Mix brandy and water in the same amount (you can use a shoot glass as measure). Soak some cloth or gauze in it and place it over your child1s feet. You can also put cotton socks over it to fix it.

  1. Give your child plenty of fluids and chilled snacks.

It is really important to drink a lot of fluid while having fever in order to avoid dehydration. You can give your child ice pops or yogurt in case you are looking for healthier alternative.

  1. Grated potatoes

Peel and great some potatoes and put them in your child`s socks. This is proven to reduce temperature.

  1. Use fans to keep your child from chilling.

Set the fan on low in the room when your child is. Make sure that it is not directed in the direction of your child.

  1. Apply a cool, damp washcloth.

You should apply it over your child`s forehead while it is resting.

  1. Lukewarm and sponge baths work amazing

Lukewarm baths are recommended while suffering from fever.  The water will cool your child`s skin and decrease its temperature.

Don’t use cold water never, this will only make the situation worse and increase further the temperature.

  1. Dress your child lightly, so the heat comes out easily

You shouldn’t dress your child in 5 sweaters just because it has fever. One layer of clothing will be enough. You can cover your child with blanket if it feels cold.

  1. Your child should stay indoors in a cool room.

In case you really need to go out look for a shade.

In the following cases you should immediately seek medical help:

  • if your child is 3 months and has severe fever
  • if your baby is between 3 and 5 and has temperature higher than 101
  • if your baby is older than 6 months and has temperature 102

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