The Healing Ginger Therapy – How To Use Ginger Remedies Against Colds And Flu

Ginger is one of the most powerful and beneficial natural plants that inhabit the earth. You can use it in numerous different ways. It is beneficial for treating, preventing and soothing an extraordinary variety of ailments and diseases. That is why it should always be present in your household and you should never hesitate to use it on a daily basis.

The Healing Ginger Therapy – How To Use Ginger Remedies Against Colds And Flu

Ginger is very beneficial for the health because of its potent healing features and it has many benefits whether it is used alone or in combination with certain herbs, oils and spices. If you regularly use ginger this way, you will not have to deal with any infections, bacteria or certain ‘soft’ disease anymore.

You know that now it is flu season, so a couple of simple recipes and ways for home usage of ginger will probably be welcomed for you. Even though simple, the following recipes are very powerful, so take the ginger as soon as possible and start preparing some of them.

  1. Fresh Ginger Tea

One of the best cures for flu, colds, sore throat and cough is the home ginger tea. It also mitigates indigestion. The ginger tea has calming effects on the body; it improves the blood circulation and is very beneficial as a regular drink in winter time. You can prepare it in numerous different ways, and this is one of the simplest ones:

Ingredients Needed:

  • A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice
  • Two cups of regular water

Way of Preparation:

Take a grater and grate the ginger. Then, squeeze out the juice with your fingers and put it into a cup and pour the boiled water over it. If you are not a fan of too strong tea, you can increase a bit the quantity of water you use for the tea preparation or slightly sweeten it with some honey.

  1. Ginger & Coriander Tea

If you combine ginger and coriander you will get an amazing and tasty combination that is excellent for fighting the flu. We have mentioned before that ginger is also very powerful when it is being mixed with other plants and spices, and this is one of those potent combinations, so do not hesitate to use it daily.

The beverage that you get when you mix ginger and coriander has a special aroma and flavor and it provides a great pleasure to your palate. In the Ayurvedic tradition, which is well known for making great tea combinations, this combination is thought to be the real weapon for fighting colds. You can drink it either as a preventative for cold or to fight its symptoms. You should use it every day, especially during the flu season.

Moreover, it has positive effects on the throat and it is great for reducing inflammation, as well as for releasing pain in the muscles. Very often the pain in the muscles is considered to be a flu symptom.

The coriander has a cooling effect o the body, and when it is combined with the potent ginger force you will get a balanced heat for the whole body. If you practice this method of combining two substances that have opposite effects, you will get a potent combination that is very beneficial for your body’s health in general.

Ingredients Needed (for two cups of tea):

  • Three circle slices of ginger
  • Half a cup of coriander seed
  • Three cups of water

Way of Preparing:

The ginger needs to be peeled and the coriander seed needs to be previously washed. Then, cut the ginger into tiny pieces so that you get even more powerful effect. When the preparation of the plants is done, add the water over them and then cook well until about a third of the water evaporates and there is water left in the container enough for two cups of tea. When the boiling is over, strain the tea and pour it in the cups. You should drink it while it is still hot, employing small sips.

  1. Paste Against Headache

One of the most common flu and cold symptoms is the terrible headache. Do not go for medications right away, but instead, try using this ginger paste, which is very effective.

For making this paste you would have to use ginger in powder. You should mix this ginger powder with lukewarm water and use these two ingredients in sufficient amounts that will compose a thick paste. The paste is then applied on the temples and on the forehead. When you apply it, it is recommended that you lie down on the bed and relax. Your breathing should be slow, through the nose, you should relax and take it easy and the headache is soon going to become past.

  1. Oil For Treating Muscle Pain

When affected with the flu, we feel pain in all parts of our body: all our muscles and all our bones hurt. And they do not hurt all at once. This is treated by using ginger oil, not ginger tea. You should apply the ginger oil on your skin, gently rub it into it and massage the painful parts of your body, and the pain will soon be released.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Fresh ginger juice
  • Sesame or almond oil

Way of Preparation:

Take some sesame or almond oil and mix it with some ginger juice. The ingredients should be used in equal amounts and they should be stirred well until a homogenous mixture is gotten. Then, using this mixture, you should massage the painful area until the pain is released or reduced.

  1. Elixir For Strengthening Immunity

This recipe is also part of the Ayurvedic tradition and practice. It takes only five to ten minutes to be prepared, and it is being used for many different purposes. The quantity of the elixir you are going to make depends on your needs. You can make just a small amount of it, like a teaspoon, or a whole liter of the elixir. However, no matter the quantity, if you do not utilize the whole quantity at once, you can store the rest of the elixir in a jar and then use it the next time you have the need to. You can use it for as much as two months.

Ingredients Needed (the amount, as we already mentioned, depends on your needs and you can prepare as much as you like):

  • Four tablespoons of fresh ginger juice
  • Three whole lemons
  • 200 grams of raw, natural honey

Way of Preparation:

Make a fresh juice out of the ginger, as well as from the lemons, and add these juices to the honey. The mixture you get should be homogenous and it should also look like syrup. If you intend to prepare larger quantity of this medicine and store it in a jar and use the rest later, you can add several pieces of fruit into the jar as well, because that will improve the medicine and make it even better and more beneficial.

If the lemons you use are bought from the store, the least you can do is to remove the lemon peel, because it is probably full of pesticides. If the lemons you utilize are organic and homegrown, you can use all parts of them, including the peel. Make sure the thickness of the elixir is medium and you can enjoy its aroma, taste and benefit from its healing features. You should consume one teaspoon of the elixir per day, and very soon you will feel much better and feel its benefits.