The Best 10 Detox Foods You Should Start Eating Immediately

Nowadays there are various fasting recipes and types of foods recommended for the so- called trend of detoxification. However, most of those formulas are not completely healthy and safe. The simplest and most importantly, the safest way of detoxification is the consumption of the right types of food. We offer you a list of the best detox foods which can effectively cleanse your body and you can enjoy in their taste as well.

The Best 10 Detox Foods You Should Start Eating Immediately

  1. Lentils

The lentils are a powerhouse of nutrients. Being rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers they are extremely healthy. They help the digestive system to detox and cleanse the body. Additionally, they balance the blood sugar levels and reduce the cholesterol.

  1. Lemons

The regular consumption of lemons can significantly improve your health in general. The fresh lemon is a very powerful detoxification agent and it is highly recommended to include it in your diet. It is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants which are essential for the body. It acts as a natural energizer which helps the body fight and eliminate toxins. Ultimately, it protects the liver which eliminates the chemicals from the body.

  1. Avocados

If you are one of those who love avocados and tend to put them on any food you eat, don’t feel guilty about it because this is a very healthy and beneficial type of food. Avocados provide glutathione, a compound which block the absorption of some fats by the intestines, causing oxidative damage. It also provides monounsaturated fatty acids which are healthy for the heart.

  1. Sunflower Seeds

The sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E and selenium, which makes them able to aid the liver`s ability to detox many potentially harmful molecules. Furthermore, they prevent the cholesterol to pile up in the arteries and in the blood. Include them in your diet and you will benefit for sure!

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants and phyto-chemicals that have proven to offer many health benefits. It is best when eaten raw because otherwise, in the process of cooking it loses some of its nutritional elements. It has anti-viral and anti-cancer properties, it contains enzymes that help the digestive system to function normally and it has twice the vitamin C of an orange and almost as much calcium as whole milk.

  1. Beets

There are various ways of including the beets in your regular diet. You can consume them raw or incorporate them in many recipes. They are very rich in antioxidants. The fibre found in beets, called pectin, has proven to help eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body. The betacyanin, the purple pigment in the beets has been shown to fight cancer. Ultimately, the betaine, another supbstance found in beets stimulates liver cells and protects the liver.

  1. Cranberries

The cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which protect the cells from any damage caused by free radicals, the unstable molecules. They also help the process of the elimination of the waste and toxins from the body and protect the urinary tract from infections.

  1. Grapefruit

The grapefruit is an ideal food for detoxification since it is full of extremely healthy juice. The vitamins found in the grapefruit help the cells and the body tissue to repair the damage caused by the poor diet. The sugars in the fruit juice are natural and also very easy for the body to break them down for fuel. Finally, the high concentration of water in the juice helps in the process of flushing out toxins from every part of the body.

  1. Garlic

The garlic is one of the crucial elements of every detox diet. It is so due to the fact that garlic boosts up the immune system and helps the liver to function normally. It is important to note that you can consume the garlic in the amount you wish without having to worry of the body will get used to it or build up a resistance. Another positive aspect from eating garlic is that it adds flavor to the other tasteless food found on your detox list. However, if you don’t like the taste you can use it the supplement form instead. Finally, the garlic is the cheapest food from the detox list.

  1. Cabbage

The cabbage is another important food which should be listed here. It is rich in sulfur as well as glucosinolates. This is important because it helps the body break the toxins and harmful chemicals and eliminate them from the body. Another important aspect is that this powerful vegetable contains fibers which help in the digestion process and regulate the bowel movements. This leads to elimination of toxins from the body.

Sourced: healthyfoodquotes