Shiitake Mushroom Compound Found to Prevent Cancer, Slow Tumor Growth

Shiitake Mushroom
Shiitake mushrooms are Japanese mushrooms that are easy to find and incorporate in your cooking. According to researches, these mushrooms could hold the key to cervical cancer in women.

According researchers at the University of Texas, shiitake mushrooms contain an extract known as active hexose correlated compound, or AHCC, which can kill the virus that leads to cervical cancer and even slow down tumor cell growth.
Cervical cancer is caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a highly contagious virus that is transmitted through the mucus membranes and during sexual intercourse. As a matter of fact, HPV DNA has been found in 99.7 percent of cervical cancer biopsies. According to The Daily Mail, ¾ of women will acquire HPV at some point in their life.

While Big Pharma would prefer for women and girls to take the toxic vaccines Gardasil and Cervix, which target HPV, this study could offer alternatives. The study shows that AHCC by itself has the potential to treat the HPV infection.

The researchers first tested AHCC in cell cultures from cervical cancer patients and then treated mice affected with HPV with the mushroom extract. Both phases of the study were successful.

In 90 days, the mice were HPV-free. In the cancerous cell cultures, tumor growth was significantly slowed.

AHCC is a nutritional supplement which has been used in Japan for decades and is found to work by boosting the body’s natural defenses. It increases the number and productivity of Natural Killer (NK) cells, cytokines, and dendritic cells, which are then able to defend the body from attack.

But HPV doesn’t affect only cervical cancer. Some 95% of anal cancers are attributed to HPV, along with 60% of throat cancers, 65% of vaginal cancers, 50% of vulvar cancers and 35% of penile cancers.


Sourced: naturalsociety