Replace Drinking Soda With This Beverage And Lose Weight Much Faster Than Before

If you’ve been reading health magazines and websites for any length of time, you’ve read about the many reasons why soda or soft drink is bad for you. It is a beverage that contains carbonated water, a flavoring and a sweetener.

The combination of these three compounds and especially the huge amount of sugars, can negatively affect your health. The sugar turns into fat in the liver and these drinks (sugar-sweetened beverages) are strongly related to weight gain.

According to many recent studies related to children, each daily serving of soft drinks is linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity. Additionally, many scientists believe that the consumption of these drinks increases belly fat accumulation, especially the accumulation of visceral fat.

This type of fat is very dangerous and it leads to metabolic disease.

Instead of drinking soda, turn to some healthy drinks instead and lose weight faster and easier. The healthy drink we will explain below is much faster and much more efficient that anything you have tried so far. If you consume it on regular basis, you will be healthier than before, you will look more attractive and you will make your body thinner.

The healthy drink alternative is beneficial for your overall health. Apart from that, it contributes to burning more calories, curbs sugar addictions and melts belly fat. You will get a slimmer body and lose weight very fast. Most importantly, this is a natural way of losing weight and it doesn’t have any side effects. It keeps you hydrated throughout the day, cleanses your liver, prevents obesity and boosts metabolism. Once the metabolism is instigated, the process of burning the stored fats begins and you will start losing weight.

When you feel the urge to indulge yourself with some soda re-think your choice. Think of the negative effects it has on your body and the increased weight you will eventually face with. Prepare this refreshing and extremely healthy drink instead. You can drink it whenever you want without any restrictions. You will eventually get used to it and it will become a part of your regular daily diet. The main thing is that it you will benefit from it.

  • 2 sparkling water or plain water
  • 4 limes
  • 8 mint leaves
  • 4 basil leaves
  • a thumb of ginger

Squeeze the limes, chop the basil and mint leaves and grate the ginger. Then add the water and stir well. Put the beverage in a glass container, cover it and place it at room temperature or at refrigerator, to your preference. You can drink it whenever you want and in any period of the day to without any restrictions. This amount will be enough for one day.

Sourced: healthyfoodstyle