Prevent Getting Sick by Drinking Lemon Juice Early in The Morning

According to many scientists, drinking a glass of lukewarm water and juice of half a lemon can do wonders for your health. Being rich in antioxidants, it positively affects the metabolism, the physical appearance, the immune system and it gives sensation of feeling full.

It is the best friend of the waistline and it will also rejuvenate you. It heals the wounds, reduces stress and depression and it also contains vitamin P which increases the capillary resistance.

This drink also calms the inflammatory processes and it is good for the health of the tissues, the bones and the cartilage.
Below, you will read about some of the benefits of this lukewarm lemon water:

Refreshes the breath

The lemon acts as disinfectant and it has antiseptic properties which kill the bacteria. It is highly recommended to replace the morning coffee with a glass of lemon water because it is a much healthier variant.

Stimulates immunity

The lemon water contains high concentration of vitamin C and thus strengthens the immunity. According to many nutritionists, the vitamin C helps the body absorb the iron easily. This especially refers to the iron found in the foods that are not from animal origin.

Helps in healing wounds

As mentioned above, the lemon water reduces stress and depression and thanks to the high concentration of vitamin P it increases capillary resistance. It is also recommended for healing the wounds such as smaller nick, scrapes and cuts because it accelerates the healing process.

Reduces appetite

It was stated in the very beginning that thanks to the pection found in the lemon, it gives sensation of feeling full. It creates a feeling of satiety and as a result of that you won`t make a mistake when choosing your meal. It reduces the appetite and you will have a sensation of feeling full for longer time.

Improves digestion

The lemon juice is good natural ingredient against bloating and acids. It has similar structure to the juices from the stomach and it has a positive impact on gastrointestinal tract.

Balances Ph value of the body

The combination of water and lemon juice reduces the acidity in the body. This drink contains citric acid and it doesn’t arouse acids in the system.

Helps in skin regeneration

The lemon juice is a great natural fighter against skin aging. The vitamin C found in the lemon builds collaged which keeps the wrinkles under control and the antioxidants fight against free radicals that cause aging.

To sum up, this combination of lukewarm water and lemon juice is an extremely powerful drink which has many health benefits. So, make yourself lemon water each morning and enjoy in its benefits.

Sourced: healthyfoodstyle