Old Monks Remedy That Heals Your Whole Body: Lemon And Garlic Can do a Miracle

This recipe was found in an ancient monastery in Tibet written on a clayey slab.

It was enrolled more than 2,000 years ago, and the prepared drink cures cholesterol, diabetes, cleanse your blood and strengthens the immune system.

It also prevents tumors, significantly improves vision and rejuvenates the body.

First you should finely chop 300g of garlic, then blend 1kg of lemons and put it all together.

The resulting mixture put it in a bowl. Place the bowl on fire and pour it with 1.5 liters of water and let it boil over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Then remove the bowl from the stove and let it cool. Place the resulting mixture in a glass jar covered with aluminum foil.

Take one tablespoon of remedy every morning on an empty stomach, for 25 days. Then, take a 10 days break, and repeat the procedure.