New Study Reveals Simple Exercise Can Build New Brain Cells. Here’s How

It is never too late for learning, it has been proven. The human mind is very powerful, but also adaptable. It is true that over the years the brain might experience some decline, but this does not mean that you cannot remodel it and improve its cognitive abilities. This is how you can benefit your mind:

New Study Reveals Simple Exercise Can Build New Brain Cells. Here’s How

Thinking up a sweat

It is known that the body and the mind are strongly connected. However, do you know to what extent this connection goes? The answer was recently discovered by a group of researchers at the Wayne State University who have conducted a study.

Over the past few decades, many scientists and experts have thought that the structure of the brain is unchangeable once a person reaches the adulthood. Nevertheless, some recent proofs have revealed and they might shake these scientists’ confidence in the matter.

The study

The scientists from the Wayne State University that have conducted this study have observed the brain activity of laboratory rats in order to measure at what point in time and under what conditions will the brain start losing its ability to grow and develop. The rats whose physical activity was limited were found to have brain deterioration due to the prolonged periods of sedentary and inactive behavior.

Simple exercises

Maybe for building the body muscles a great quantity of tensions and repetition is required, but this does not apply when it comes to brain growing, which requires the simplest exercises. You just need to make sure that you rest regularly and you drink enough fluids so that you keep yourself energized during these simple exercises.

Wall push ups

These exercises can be performed practically anywhere. The only thing you need for performing this simple exercise is a sturdy flat wall. Start by standing around six inches away from the wall and put your hands flat against the wall. Then, take two or three steps backwards. When your body gets in diagonal position, bow your arms until your front part, which is the face and the chest, becomes around an inch away from the wall.

Put your arms straight and bring yourself further from the wall, and repeat this for about five to ten times.


Bring your feet apart around six to eight inches and standing, take a big step forwards. Stepping forward, bend your knees to about 90 degrees. Count to three, and then push yourself back to the standing position with the help of your leg that was forward. Change legs and do the same thing again. Repeat this procedure for about five times for each leg.


This is an exercise that has many results, even though it does not look so. This study has shown that walking can improve your brain’s neuron development and your cardiovascular health in general.

Even though potent, the mind is pretty delicate thing. Take just a couple of moments out of your day and you can benefit your brain’s health considerably.