Natural Aphrodisiacs – Herbal Viagra

Prior to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, many people used natural fruits to amplify their love desires. The nature has always offered its “viagra” for free.

Artichoke contains vitamin C and the bitter substance cynaropicrin which activate the sex glands in males and females, and contribute to a higher production of sex hormones. Many men and women, who take pharmaceutical products with a high dose of dry extracts from artichoke leaves due to health reasons (high cholesterol levels), noted that these substances increase their sexual desire.

The Aztecs were so convinced in the aphrodisiac abilities of the avocado as a sexual stimulator that young women were held captive in the house when the fruits were picked. And it seems that there is something to it: avocado is rich in magnesium (for energy), unsaturated fats (for the heart) and vitamin E. To reinforce the aphrodisiac qualities of avocado, prepare a simple Mexican sauce with avocado and spices called guacamole: mix the avocado with a spoon of lemon juice, and then add a tablespoon of chopped garlic. Serve with freshly sliced carrots and celery – vegetables that the ancient Romans considered to be aphrodisiacs.

Almonds have long been associated with fertility: it is assumed that their fragrance excites women, so they were often used at weddings. Almonds contain nutrients that are thought to be essential for improving sexual life. For example, 28 grams of almonds provide 35 % of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin E, which affects the levels of fertility and function of the reproductive organs. They contain high levels of minerals, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc (which stimulates the libido in men). If consumed regularly, almonds give strength to men. An ancient oriental recipe: dip each almond seed in honey or pear syrup.

Folk medicine recommends enjoying a basil tea as a means to excite sexual desire. Basil acts as an aphrodisiac by stimulating sexual prowess. It can also be taken fresh or dried as a spice or a seasoning in salads, meat and fish. As our people say: the higher the basil intake, the greater the sexual prowess in men.

Ancient Romans used celery to improve their potency. They dedicated the celery to Pluto – the god of fertility. Its effect is attributed to the essential oils that it contains, and above all to androsterone, a male sex hormone that stimulates sex drive in women. Therefore some countries put large quantities of celery in salads.

Garlic contains large quantities of zinc and molybdenum, and it used to be called the “arch of love” in the Middle Ages. The main ingredient, allicin, increases blood flow to the sexual organ. Many people find its smell unpleasant, so it is advisable that both partners use this natural substance at the same time. SUGGESTION: leave a clove of garlic in honey during the night, and then chew it well. Garlic based medications can be bought in pharmacies but its effect is evident after a long-term use.

Sailors used to steal and chew leaves of sage (salvia) from the galley, prior to their arrival at the port and thus increased their sexual potential.

A love potion that contains cocoa is guaranteed not to cause any undesired consequences, it is completely harmless and with a pleasant taste. SUGGESTION: fry a handful of cocoa grains in a pan and then crush and mix them with a handful of corn flour and 100 ml of warm water. Boil them briefly, add a pinch of chili powder, a teaspoon of cinnamon, three grains of pimento, a little vanilla and honey.

Fragrances such as rose petals, lavender or rosemary can also trigger love. SUGGESTION: put 30 drops on a piece of wet cotton ball and place it in a saucer in the room where you are with your partner.

Some fruits are beneficial in improving the intimate experiences. One of those is the pomegranate, which contains large amounts of plant hormones, particularly estrogen, and it positively affects the love desire in women.

Two centuries ago, the Scottish men’s clubs considered parsley to be a secret agent for boosting potency. Three hours before the scheduled act of love, men used to chew three tablespoons of raw chopped parsley leaves.

At the turn of the last century, Hungarians discovered new means to strengthen the potency. Hungarian horse-traders fed the old horses with a mixture of honey and nettle seeds, so that the animals would look stronger and livelier. However, the horses soon turned into real breeding stallions. Then when doctors performed various experiments with older men they achieved sensational results. The slimy matter and the saponids contained in the nettle made a miracle in terms of potency.

This spring vegetable has a positive effect on male potency. The secret of the asparagus is in its richness in zinc and molybdenum (a trace element that takes part in the metabolism, especially in the mechanisms of detoxification and cleansing) and there is also the aspartic acid which enhances their effect on sexual potency.

It has a positive effect on potency when taken in higher doses. A regular intake is important in order to achieve success. Take at least two tablespoons of wheat germ with salads or muesli a day.

The priest and herbalist Sebastian Kneipp, advised the men who had potency problems to drink tea made from green oats. As a response to viagra, the American scientist Dr. Mellssa Harolan from Texas came up with the idea to make an extract from a mixture of nettle seeds and green oats. The active ingredients of both these products complement each other. Many men regained their confidence after taking this extract for several weeks. This extract is now produced in capsules and sold in pharmacies around the world.