Magical Drink That Melts The Excess Pounds Overnight

The simplest way to reduce weight ever!

Drink that burns weight while you`re sitting and reading book? Yes that`s possible with the healing properties of honey and cinnamon. Although almost everyone is familiar with the positive effects of cinnamon and honey, not many people know that the combination of these two ingredients speeds up metabolism and helps in the process of weight reduction.Magical Drink That Melts The Excess Pounds Overnight

To prepare this drink you will need the following ingredients: two tablespoons honey, one tablespoon cinnamon and 250ml water.

You can change the amount if you want to prepare a bigger amount and make supplies, but the ratio of honey to cinnamon should always be 2:1. Prepare the amount of this drink that you think you will need. Initially boil the water and spill it over the cinnamon. Leave it like that to cool down, and then add the honey. Always remember to add the honey after it cools down because otherwise you will destroy its nutritional and medical properties.

Drink one half of the drink before you go to bed, and the rest of it in the morning before breakfast. That’s it! Have in mind that this drink works only on empty stomach.