List of 10 Amazing Uses of Banana Peels

The banana peels can be used for variety of things, from whitening your teeth to making your garden grow without pesticides. We offer you a list of 10 amazing uses of the banana peels.

Remove a splinter painlessly

You can make a removal of a tiny wood sliver a cinch by using this trick: Take a piece of banana peel and put the white side over the wound. Leave it like that for half an hour. The peel contains enzymes which will leak and get inside the skin. This will lead to encouraging the splinter to move towards the surface and pluck easily. The result would be a tear-free extraction.

Grill a juicer piece of chicken

Even if you are a real grill master you may encounter some difficulties when it comes to the skinless chicken breasts. They are very lean and because of that they may dry out very fast, faster than you can flip them. The banana peel steps in here as a solution. Place a banana peel on the top of each breast and it will make a barrier which acts as like skin. In this way, the meat will keep its natural juices and it won`t dry out.

Get rid of the aphids in your garden

The insect damage in your garden can be really problematic and annoying. However, there is a very easy way to solve this. Just take a few banana peels, dig a hole in the ground at the base of the plants and put the peels inside. The insects such as ants and aphids will find this unappealing due to the high concentration of potassium found in the banana peels. This simple trick will help you get rid of the aphids in your garden for good.

Whiten your teeth

The whitening of your teeth doesn’t necessarily have to be very expensive. You can effectively whiten your teeth with banana peels in a natural and cheap way. Take a banana peel and rub your freshly brushed teeth with the white side of the peel. Repeat this procedure every day for 2 minutes.

The powerful combination of plague-busting, astringent salicylic acid and the gently citric acid in banana peels will effectively whiten your teeth and lighten the surface stains. Most importantly, it will do this without wearing down enamel. Make this simple trick and you will see the result within a week.

Swiftly lift ink stains from skin

You have probably experienced an exploded pen which leaves your hands ink-covered and soap and water cannot always help you. The solution would be the banana peels. Just place the white side of the peel onto the discolored area and rub gently. The stains will disappear instantly. This happens due to the natural oils found in the banana peel. They attract the oils in the ink, weaken the pigment`s bond and lead to easy removal.

Make a natural fruit-fly trap

You can often find little flies buzzing around your kitchen even thought the fruits are still fresh. Do a simple trick and make your own trap. You will need a large yogurt container, a hammer, a small nail and ultimately, a banana peel. Take the nail and the hammer and poke holes in the lid of the yogurt container. Put the banana peel inside, snap on the lid and leave it where the flies usually gather. The smell of the banana will attract the flies, make them crawl inside and then leave them unable to get out. After day or two, dispose of the trap and you will see that most of the flies have been caught.

Stop a scratched CD or DVD from skipping

The scratched CD or DVD which won`t play smoothly anymore, can be fixed with a banana peel. You just need to rub the back of the disc with the inside of the peel, in a gentle circular motion. Wipe off with a soft cloth, lightly spray the disc with glass cleaner and finally, buff it until it looks clean. The wax found in the banana peel will fill actually fill in scratches without harming the plastic finish.

Soothe an itchy bug bite-stat!

As the summer approaches, the mosquitoes and the similar annoying insects start to buzz around, attack and bite. If don’t want to use chemicals in order to get rid of the itchy bite, take a banana and rub the inside of the peel against the inflamed area. The banana peels contain polysaccharides which will seep into skin cells and reduce swelling and inflammation very quickly.

Perk up dull, dreary houseplants

You can give a quick rubdown to the potted ferns, cacti and spider plants which look like they need a little pick-me-up. Take a banana peel and do a quick rub with the white side of it. . The skin’s rough texture will gently buff away dust, while its natural oils will add a nice polished sheen. Additionally, the potassium which is found in the banana peels will feed the plants and keep them healthy and flourishing.

Get rid of the scuffs on leather shoes

The natural fix for the scuffs on the toes is again, the banana peel. Rub the spots with the white side of the banana peel and then wipe with a clean cloth. The key ingredient in leather polish is the potassium, which is also found in the banana peel. It will get absorbed in the leather and leave the shoes looking brand-new, diminishing the marks.

Sourced: prevention