Lemon And Garlic – The Best Combination Against Cholesterol

This combination is thought to take huge part in lowering cholesterol, strengthening the walls of the blood vessels, cleaning them and reducing the risk of dangerous diseases including atherosclerosis.

Lemon And Garlic – The Best Combination Against Cholesterol

The above mentioned cleaning of the vessels is highly suggested because it increases the elasticity of blood vessels, eliminates the toxins from the blood and thus eliminates the overlaid cholesterol. The cleaning itself can be performed in various ways such as taking drugs, consuming some folk preparations, laser blood cleaning and plasmapheresis. If we analyze and comment this ways of cleaning the blood vessels from overlaid cholesterol, it is important to mention that taking drugs can cause many contraindications. That is why it should be the last option in case the other ones don’t help. The consumption of folk preparations is much safer. However, in order to protect yourself from any contraindications you should be careful with them too.

As mentioned in the very beginning the combination of lemon and garlic are extremely effective for cleaning blood vessels, strengthening their walls, lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of dangerous diseases. There is a tincture of lemon and garlic used in Russian folk medicine long time ago. It prevents the formation of cancer cells and as a result to the huge amount of antioxidants that the garlic contains it has regenerating and reviving properties. Now we offer you the recipe for this powerful tincture.


  • 3 liters of boiling water
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 medium unpeeled sized lemons


Chop and clean the garlic cloves. Cut the lemons into pieces and pour the boiling water over them. Then take a meat-grinding machine and grind the mixture well. When fully grinded, put the mixture in a glass jar of 3l and fill it with warm boiled water. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for 3 days. After three days strain the mixture and then put it back.


The cleaning of the blood vessels should start with small doses of 1-2 tablespoons three times a day, before meals. If needed, it can be gradually increased to dose of 50ml. However, it is important to say that the dose of 50ml is the maximum dose of this tincture.  The whole treatment lasts 40 days. It is recommended to consult your doctor prior starting the treatment and it can be carried out once a year.

When the treatment is done the blood pressure will normalize, the circulation on the brain will improve, the weight loss will be easier and the liquid composition will enhance.

Sourced: naturalcuresandhomeremedies