How to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Naturally With Home Remedies

The tonsil stones, also known as tonsillolith are mainly caused by food particles, mucus, bacteria and materials that get stuck in the tonsils. They are found on the back of your throat and you can easily see them by using a mirror and a flashlight.

The exact cause of tonsil stones is still not completely understood. Doctor supposed that there are some things that can trigger its development. This could be food particles getting lodged in the throat, poor oral hygiene, dead white cells, consumption of dairy products, fungal infection, poor diet, dead tissues, damaged oral pH levels, oral thrush, bacteria, mucus and tonsillitis or inflamed tonsil.

The tonsil stones have yellow color and they are associated with sore throat and bad breath. Luckily, there are many ways on how to eliminate the tonsil stones in completely natural way. Instead of relying on surgery for tonsil stones removal, try some of the natural remedies instead.

10 Ways of Removing Tonsil Stones Naturally :


The consumption of raw onions prevents the formation of oral stones and it could improve the oral health in general. These abilities are thanks to its anti-bacterial properties. Chew on raw onions for about 2-3 minutes a day.  Apart from removing the tonsils naturally, this will help you eliminate the bad breath too (one of the most common symptoms of tonsil stones).


When it comes to tonsil stones removal the garlic is one of the most effective natural remedies. All you need to do is to chew on raw garlic cloves. The garlic eliminates the bacteria on the tonsil and treats various conditions related to it due to its anti-bacterial properties. It is recommended to chew on garlic as much as possible, several times a day or before bedtime.

Apple cider vinegar

Thanks to the acidic properties it has, any vinegar is efficient for this purpose. However, Apple Cider Vinegar is mostly recommended. Dilute the ACV first before gargling it as much as possible and the acid will eat away the stones until it breaks them into smaller particles.


As mentioned in the very beginning, the most common cause of tonsil stones is the poor hygiene. The mild acidic properties of apple make it a natural astringent that cleans your tonsils and teeth. In addition, chewing on apples leaves your gums and teeth clean because it is similar to brushing your teeth. These are one of the many reasons why the apples improve your oral health.

Essential Oils

Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Additionally, they assist in treating the tonsil stones. Some of these essential oils are the myrrh, lemongrass and theives oil. You can put these oils in a spray bottle and just spray them on the affected area or brush your tongue and teeth with few drops of the oil.

Lemon Juice

Thanks to the huge amount of vitamin C, the lemon juice assists in tonsil stones removal. Just dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of warm water and drink the mixture. You can add a bit of salt to neutralize the sourness of lemon if you find the taste unpleasant.

Try to swish the lemon juice on the affected area before swallowing it. Each time you do this “procedure”, let it stay in your mouth for a minute.

Fizzy beverages

Club soda and some similar fizzy drinks are very effective for treating tonsil stones. They break the stones in the way as vinegar does.


You can try this remedy just if you can reach your tonsils with your fingers. Scrape the stones out very gently. Be careful because if not, you can make even bigger problem. If you successfully managed to scrape the stones out, immediately gargle with salt water to remove the additional stones.


Apart from being good for the eyes, the carrots are great for your oral health as well. Thanks to its ability to destroy bacteria, chewing on carrot helps in getting rid of the tonsil stones. Additionally, the flow of saliva during mastication eliminates the bacteria in the mouth.


The unsweetened yogurt can be very effective for tonsil stones removal. Thanks to its probiotic properties, it is good for the body and it also prevents from coming back. Finally, the consumption of natural yogurt will make you able to eliminate the bacteria in your tonsils.

Sourced: healthierdaily

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