How to Get Rid of Burn Scars Naturally

Many people have some unsightly burn scars on their bodies. Naturally, this will make you feel unsecure because when looking in the mirror you are not just looking at the scar but you also remember the particular accident that is the cause for the scar itself.

There are various ways of eliminating the scars but the medical expenses are usually very high.

Luckily, you can get rid of the scars by treating them naturally. The thing is, this can take for a while. However, there are same removal methods that act very quickly and they can also improve the healing process of the body.

There are a lot of natural burn scars remedies that you can try. We offer you a list of some of them which are the most natural and most effective at the same time.

Potato Peels

The potato peels are one of the most popular and oldest remedy of removing burn scars. What make the potato peels capable of reducing the scars are their anti-bacterial properties and the fact that they are a great source of moisture.


You just need to put the potato peels on the affected area and you will see how the unsightly marks lighten and eventually disappear.

Fenugreek Seeds

This natural remedy is the most widely prescribed burn scar remedy. What makes it one of the most effective methods of reducing the burn scars is its great ability to reduce the burn mark itself.


The first thing you should do is to soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Make a paste with the wet seeds by using pestle and mortar. Then, apply the paste on the affected area and leave it for a couple of hours. When done, rinse thoroughly. It is recommended to repeat this procedure regularly.

This remedy can lighten the appearance of burn scars in 2 weeks. Apart from fenugreek seeds you can also use turmeric and do the exact procedure explained above.

Indian Yunani-Cotton Ash Paste

This burn scar remedy is one of the oldest remedies. It was used in ancient times to remove the burn scars. It is capable of treating several burns in delicate but yet effective manner.


Take a piece of cloth (cotton or wool) and burn it in a metal pan. Then, add few drops of olive oil and mix well until you get a smooth paste. Apply this mixture on the affected place and you will notice how the pain caused by the accident reduces. If it happens to feel the pain again, repeat this procedure until the pain completely disappears.  You should do this treatment until the scars disappear, probably for a week.

Lavender Essential Oil

The lavender oil contains properties which make it ideal antiseptic for the body.  It is considered to be one of the most effective remedies for treating burn scars. It reduces the appearance of scars but it reduces the pain brought by the burn as well. With the use of lavender oil the scars will completely vanish.


Soak a piece of small cloth on lavender oil and apply it on the affected area.

Almond Oil

The almond oil is also one of the most effective burn scars remedies because it works progressively.


Gently massage the affected area with the almond oil.

Lemon and Potato Juice

The combination of lemon and potato juice can do wonder for your burn scars. Importantly, when used separately their effects are reduced. The tomatoes have bleaching properties and that is why they can lighten the burn scars very effectively in a completely natural way. Both the lemon and tomatoes have acidic properties and that makes them capable of reducing the scars.


First you need to clean the affected area. Rinse with clean water thoroughly. Then, take two pieces of cloth. Dip the first cloth in lemon juice and the other in tomato juice. Place the cloth soaked in tomato juice on the affected area and wait for couple of minutes until it completely dries. Then repeat the same procedure with the cloth soaked in lemon juice.

You should do this procedure on regular basis.  In order to achieve optimum results do it for at least twice throughout the day. You will notice the result after two weeks.

Sourced: healthierdaily