How to Cure a Sore Throat in Only 4 Hours?

Recently the modern medicine had become more dominant, since many people prefer using natural remedies for treatment of many medical conditions.

The alternative or folk medicine is rich with many recipes of natural cures that have been used back in the history, and are still being used today.

If you want to try out some of these remedies, in this post we will provide you with one recipe. This one is recommended for treatment of sore throat and tonsillitis. Consume these remedies and all the symptoms will disappear in less than 4 hours.

This is the way how you should prepare it:

For the beginning you will need 80g ground cumin seeds and 200ml of water. Mix them together and put them on the stove and leave them boil for at least 15 minutes. After this you will probably get a thick mixture which resembles a clump of coffee. After that strain this mixture and add to it 50ml of water and put it again on the stove until it starts boiling. When you remove it add 1 tablespoon of spirits (cognac, whiskey, brandy).

That’s the whole procedure. After this you can start consuming it.

How to consume it:

Start consuming 1 tbsp. every 30 minutes. After 2 hour of after 4 tbsp. you will notice that you can swallow much easier. Four hours would be more than enough for all the problems to disappear. But in case you think that it is still not over, you can prolong the period.

This remedy is excellent for people who have constantly problems with colds and sore throats.

Sourced: instanthealthyliving