How Sniffing Rosemary Can Improve Memory By 75%

How Sniffing Rosemary Can Improve Memory By 75 procent

It`s common knowledge that Rosemary is an herb used in the kitchen. But only few of us know its history. During the ancient times it has been used as medicine and in the period from Elizabethan Era to the Romantic period it was even known as the herb of remembrance. One of the benefits of this herb is that it can enchant your memory even by 75 %, but also in ancient times people believed that it can improve your sleep and protect you from nightmares. That’s why they used to make amulets using Rosemary, which they placed under their pillows before going to sleep.

Recent researches proved that it was not only a superstition, and provided evidences for Rosemary`s impact scientifically. The power of this herb to enhance people`s memory lies in the eucalyptol found in the aroma of the herb. Scientist conducted research in which group of older people used rosemary for aromatherapy. This aromatherapy increased mental capacity to most of the member of the group, which proved its effect.

The thing is that the aroma of Rosemary oil contains terpens, which is primary component of essential oils. With this Rosemary`s components enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain and in that way improve the memory system and the brain capacity.

This alternative medicine is much better than taking pills and other products that might have negative effect on you and harm your health. So why shouldn’t we try this natural medicine to improve our memory and see why people have used it for thousands of years for this purpose?


Sourced: naturehacks