Homemade Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is very common issue among people nowadays. It occurs when the thyroid gland is underactive. It is well known fact that the metabolism rate is primarily controlled by the thyroid gland and when underactive, it affects the metabolism itself.

There are many  indicative symptoms for hypothyroidism including: increased sensitivity to cold, dry skin, puffy face, depression, brittle fingernails and hair, fatigue, hoarse voice,  muscle cramping, constipation and sudden weight gain.

Although proper diagnosis and treatment are essential, there are some homemade, natural remedies which can be helpful in the treatment of this health problem.

We offer you 10 remedies for hypothyroidism which you can prepare on your own.

  1. Kelp

Kelp is a type of seaweed which contains minerals and huge amount of iodine.  Due to the iodine it appears to be very useful in the treatment of hypothyroidism. When it comes to the autoimmune thyroid problems on the other hand, this remedy is not recommended because it may even worsen the condition. That is why you need to consult your doctor prior taking kelp and if it is acceptable, you need to adjust the dosage.

  1. Vitamin B

B vitamins are essential for proper and healthy function of the thyroid. That is why you need to include B vitamins in your diet when dealing with hypothyroidism.  B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 vitamins will help you reduce the symptoms. Moreover, it is suspected that hypothyroidism and deficiency of vitamin B12 are related.

So bear in mind that Vitamin B are a must in your diet. Fresh vegetables, sea vegetables, whole grain and cereal would be a perfect choice. However, avoid the kali and broccoli because they contain goitrogens which are a type of antinutrients interfering the function of the thyroid.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is rich in zinc, magnesium and potassium and has anti-inflammatory properties. This property is important because it can improve the function of thyroid. There are several ways of how to include the ginger in your diet such as:

  • Make a ginger herbal tea and consume it hot, two or three times a day. It is very easy to make it (just add few ginger slices in a boiling water and leave it like that for couple of minutes). You can add honey if needed.
  • You can add ginger slices in soups or any other dish
  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil will definitely improve the function of the thyroid due to its medium-chain fatty acids. At the same time, it will boost energy and stimulate the metabolism. Furthermore, it will raise the basal body temperature. This is helpful for the people suffering from low thyroid function.

The coconut oil can be added to milk and drunk in the morning along with the breakfast. It can be added to the smoothies as well.  Most importantly, you can use it for every type of cooking. Make sure you use extra-virgin organic coconut oil.

  1. Siberian Ginseng

This herb reduces the fatigue which it the most common symptom of hypothyroidism. Moreover, it stimulates adrenal and thymus glands which are responsible for healthy function of the thyroid gland.

It is recommended to use the Siberian ginseng extract twice a day (100 -200 mg), before breakfast and lunch. Consult your doctor prior including this supplement  to your diet.

  1. Evening Primrose Oil

This oil is also very helpful for people suffering from hypothyroidism. It contains high levels of gamma linoleic acids (GLAs) and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Because of that, it increases the levels of thyroid hormones. It may also reduce the hair loss and heavy menstrual flow which are one of the most common symptoms of this health problem.

Take 2-8 grams of this oil on daily basis. However, it is recommended to consult your doctor who will properly adjust the dosage.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for many health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. What is important for us is that it is helpful for the treatment of hypothyroidism. It alleviates many hypothyroidism symptoms and restores acid alkaline balance, facilitates weight loss, aids detoxification, regulates hormones and improves their energy metabolism.

Take a glass of warm water and add two tablespoons of organic cider vinegar and little bit of honey. Drink this remedy on daily basis.

  1. Guggul

Guggul is a type of gum resin, deriving from the Indian tree – Commiphora Mikul. It contains guggulsterones which stimulate thyroid function thus help in the treatment of hypothyroidism. Additionally, it has anti-obesity, cholesterol-lowering and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can use this herb as a supplement to your diet but it is necessary to consult your doctor prior taking it. It is recommended to take 25 mg three times a day. Make sure you check T3 and T4 thyroid hormone levels when taking this herb as it stimulates the conversion of T4 into more active T3 form.

The consumption of this supplement may interfere with birth control pills, beta-blockers, estrogen and other medications.

  1. Vitamin D

As the above mentioned Vitamin B, Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with many autoimmune diseases including thyroid disease. Direct exposure to early sunshine is very good for the health and it also generates the Vitamin D needed for the body.

Try exposing your body to early sunshine each morning for about 15 minutes. This is good for generating vitamin D but it is also beneficial when it comes to calcium metabolism and maintaining healthy immune system.

If you suffer from hypothyroidism you can regularly do some healthy physical exercises such as walking outdoors. They will stimulate the thyroid gland but at the same time you will benefit from the physical activity.

  1. Fish Oils

Finally, here are the fish oils which maintain the thyroid function healthy and also increase the thyroid hormone uptake. They contain big amounts of omega 3 fatty acids which increase immunity and fight the inflammation.

The general dosage is 3 grams on daily basis. However, if you are taking blood thinners, it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking fish oil supplements.

Sourced: top10homeremedies