Homemade Coconut and Lemon Hand Sanitizer Spray

Homemade Coconut and Lemon Hand Sanitizer Spray

This recipe for a homemade coconut and lemon hand sanitizer is presented by Shannon. It is very interesting and neat one, definitely worth trying.

The recipe includes lemon essential oil and coconut extract which are giving a wonderful scent. Shannon provides two different types of alcohol that you can use. The purpose is the same-killing germs. The last ingredient leaves the hands smooth and nice. Most importantly, this recipe is extremely easy to make.

Shannon provides an interesting fact about the strength of alcohol need to kill germs. This is really interesting because we can rarely read about that in other homemade sand sanitizer recipes.

How to Make Coconut and Lemon Hand Sanitizer Spray:

Shannon`s recipe for the completely natural D.I.Y Coconut and Lemon Hand Sanitizer combines the germ fighting power of grain alcohol with the wonderful scent of the lemon essential oil and the coconut extract. The final ingredient mentioned above is the vegetable glycerine, which leaves the hands smooth and nice. In order to ensure proper germ fighting power, you can add 151 Vodka in the mixture.

The 151 Proof Grain Alcohol is 75.5 % alcohol. In order to kill germs, you need at least 62% alcohol. Most of the hand sanitizers are at least 62%.

You can use the Flavorganics Organic Coconut Extract. It is completely natural and it gives the recipe a fresh coconut scent.

When it comes to the bottle you are going to use, a 2 ounce amber glass spray bottle is highly recommended. You can order it online and it is easy accessible, refillable, and eco-friendly.

You can use Mountain Rose Herbs Lemon Essential Oil and Mountain Rose Herbs Vegetable Glycerine. They can be ordered online as well.

  • 2 ounce amber glass spray bottle
  • 2 ounces of 151 Proof Grain Alcohol
  • 7 drops Mountain Rose Herbs Lemon Essential Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Organic Coconut Extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon Mountain Rose Herbs Vegetable Glycerine

Put all the ingredients into the spray bottle. Shake well in order to mix the ingredients.

How to use:

Mist several sprays all over your hands and then rub hands together until the spray dries. Keep it out of reach of children and avoid getting it into mouth or eyes. In addition, avoid spraying near hear sources or direct flame, as the spray is highly flammable.