Home Remedy For Enlarged Prostate And Urinary Tract Infections


The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that wraps around the urethra. The prostate contains some smooth muscles and glandular epithelium, surrounded by a thick fibrous capsule. The glandular tissue produces lactic liquid, semen plasma. It contains many active substances whose purpose is to protect the sperm, by keeping them move and enables them to survive.

At birth, the prostate is about the size of a bean. It grows slowly until puberty, when suddenly increases, reaching its normal size and shape. The normal prostate in adult males is about 20g, and a diameter of three and a half centimeter. This size retains until the mid-forties of life, when she starts to increase due to the multiplication of cells, called adenomas, benign hyperplasia or enlarged prostate.


  • Here’s a home remedy you can make right now that proved to be very well in the treatment of prostatic diseases and even malignant tumors of the prostate:

1 l domestic, white wine (without sugar)

Add 5 tbsp yarrow in a glass bottle; allow standing for two weeks. Then strain it. Take one or two tablespoons, two or three times a day.