Drink One Glass Of This Every Morning And You’ll Stop Gaining Weight

Drink One Glass Of This Every Morning And You’ll Stop Gaining Weight

Obesity and overweight have become some of the major problems of the modern time because people’s lifestyle has become increasingly inactive and they eat more and more unhealthy food. Luckily, besides diets and exercising, there are more secrets that can stop the gaining weight and improve our overall health, as a bonus. This is a healthy, tasty, natural home remedy and we highly recommend you to use it.

You will need:

  • 5 springs of parsley
  • 3 liters of water
  • 2 pounds of lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda


  1. slice the lemon and cut the parsley to tinier pieces
  2. put them in the water and bring them to a boil
  3. after 5 minutes of boiling, add the baking soda to it
  4. remove from heat and leave it for an hour
  5. after the mixture has cooled off, strain it. You should get about one and a half liters of syrup
  6. drink every day, before meal, on an empty stomach. The dose is one glass of syrup