Build Definition And Strength With This 8 Moves

These exercises will not only increase your endurance and improve your metabolic and cardio health, but might even suppress your appetite more than a longer workout with a moderate pace. Even though 7 minutes might not seem sufficient to have a strong and toned body, the key is in the consistency. If you stay consistent and have a consistently healthy eating routine, this routine is the best one you can perform. Just remember to follow the recommended number of repetitions, keep the transition time to 5 seconds or less, and you should finish in 7 minutes with a total body workout.

Build Definition and Strength with this 8 Moves

Let’s get started

1. Side plank with dip
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This exercise is for the entire body and challenging for your balance. The dip is added for a deep emphasis on the obliques.
Lie on your side and stretch your legs out. Place your left elbow on the floor directly underneath your shoulder. Stack your feet on top of each other and lift your body up into a straight line. Once you have balance, dip your hips down toward the ground and lift them up higher than your initial position. Do 15 repetitions before switching sides. If you want to make this exercise more challenging, hold a 5-­pound weight above your head with the opposite arm while performing the dips.


2. Pilates hundreds
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This exercise is for the whole body and core, and simultaneously elevates your heart rate and sets up your breath for the rest of the session.
Lie on your back with your legs straight up, toes pointed toward the ceiling and arms reaching forward. Lift your head to a crunch position and lower your legs as far as you can to the floor (don’t touch the floor), while engaging your abdominals. Then, start pumping your arms up and down vigorously, counting 5 breaths in and 5 breaths out. Repeat this 10 times for a total of a hundred repetitions. If you start feeling any pain or pressure in your lower back, bring your legs higher up.


3. Triceps dip
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This is a body­weight exercise, which doesn’t require much equipment. It is usually done with a bench or chair, but you can also do it on the ground.
Position your hands shoulder­ width apart on a secure bench or table. Slide your butt off the bench with your legs in front of you, feet flat on the floor. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at a 90­-degree angle. Straighten your arms returning to the starting position. Do 15 repetitions and then hold it halfway down and finish with 10 quick pulses.


4. Kneeling side leg kick
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This exercise works your upper body, legs and gluten, plus it challenges your core to keep you from falling forward.
Start kneeling. Carefully fall onto your left hand and extend your right leg out to the side so there is one long line in the body. Inhale and kick your right leg forward with a flexed foot, and exhale extending your leg behind you with a pointed foot. The challenge is to keep the torso from rocking back and forth. Do 15 repetitions on each side.


5. Spiderman push up
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Amp up your regular push up with this variation that also works your abs, butt, obliques and hips.
Start in a regular push up position. Once you lower, bring your right knee in, close to your right elbow and then return to the initial position. Do 8 repetitions, and then switch sides. Do two sets.


6. Side lunge
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Side lunges allow you to work your glutes and thighs from a different angle, at the same time targeting all of the major muscles of the lower body.
Stand with your feet and knees together and put your arms overhead. Take a large step to the side with your left foot and sit your hips back as you lower toward the floor. Keep your knee directly above your heel. Push off your left foot and return to the initial position. Do 2 sets of 15 repetitions on each side. You can also try to do this exercise while holding a set of weights at your sides.


7. Plank with arm lift
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This exercise is a switch up of the standard plank by adding lifts. The lifts, even small ones, will make a big difference in the intensity of the moves.
Begin with a high plank position, resting on your palms with your arms straight. Establish balance, and extend your right arm forward as if you’re going to shake someone’s hand. Try to remain in this position for 30 seconds without letting your hips shift. Then switch arms for another 30 seconds.


8. Wall sit
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Unlike the traditional squat when you’re working through an entire range of motion, in this exercise you’re holding a static position for a certain amount of time. You can do this exercise anywhere and it will help you build strength and endurance in the lower half of the body and in your core.

Stand two feet in front of a wall and lean against it. Slide down until your knees are at a 90­degree angle and hold this position. You can hold a set of dumbbells in front of your body for an added challenge. Remain in this position for 30 seconds without coming up. Drawing your navel in toward your spine will help your back stay flat up against the wall.

