Black Beans Lower Blood Pressure, Reduce Degenerative Disease And Much More

Black beans have numerous health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, lower blood pressure and eliminate toxic metals from the body.

Black beans are very beneficial for a healthy heart. They were dried, hydrolyzed and isolated two of the major proteins in a variety of black beans, Jamapa. Researchers found that they remove heavy metals from the body, a process called chelating. Antioxidant and anti­hypertensive properties were shown after the proteins were hydrolyzed. Now researchers hope that new treatments will be discovered regarding the improvement of the cardiovascular health, especially those caused by high blood pressure and oxidative stress.

Jamapa black beans are rich in proteins that help lower the levels of glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides in the body.

It might be worth mentioning beans are inexpensive. They are packed with essential nutrients, such as protein at 30.4%, fibre at 59.8%, iron at 20%, magnesium at 30.1%, phosphorus at 24%, manganese at 38%, tryptophan at 56.2%, Vitamin B1 at 28% and molybdenum at 172%.

Beans are three of the foods richest in antioxidants, especially: pinto bean, red kidney bean, and the red bean. The dark colour in the beans’ coat is thought to have links to their antioxidant properties. These antioxidants eliminate free radicals in the body. They prevent chronic diseases and slow down the effects of aging.