Biologist Explains How Marijuana Causes Tumor Cells to Commit Suicide

Biologist Explains How Marijuana Causes Tumor Cells to Commit Suicide

It is common knowledge that cannabis has the power to reveal pain in the terminally ill, but it seems like it is not the only potential of this plant. After a study of the molecular activity of cannaabinoids that lasted over 10 years the molecular biologist Christina Sanchez from the Compultense University revealed that THC (the primary component of cannabis) kills the tumor cells and at the same time leaves the healthy cells unaffected.

  1. Sanchez and her collages started the research in order to understand better how brain cancer cells function. While observing the cells they revealed that THC not only prevents them to multiply but also makes them commit “suicide”. They proved this with animal trials and lab tests. She announced this effect of THC in 1998 by publishing paper on the anti-cancer effects of THC in the European biochemistry journal FEBS letters.
    In an interview with Cannabis Planet Sanchez said “In the early 1960s, Raphael Mechoulam from the Hebrew University in Israel categorized the main compound in marijuana producing the psychoactive effects that we all know,” and “After the discovery of this compound that is called THC, it was pretty obvious that this compound had to be acting on the cells, on our organism, through a molecular mechanism.”
    If you interested what else Sanchez announced you can find that here:

Human body designed to utilize cannabis compounds, research finds

Another research from 1980s revealed two natural systems that enable the body to benefit from cannabinoids. The two targets are the endocannabinoid system (endogenous framework) that process the THC and some other receptors on the body that make the cannabinoids useful.
“The endocannabinoids, together with the receptors and the enzymes that synthesize, that produce, the endocannabinoids and that degrade the endocannabinoids, are what we call the endocannabinoid system,” added Sanchez. “And we now know that the endocannabinoid system regulates a lot of biological functions: appetite, food intake, motor behavior, reproduction, and many, many other functions. And that’s why the plant has such a wide therapeutic potential.”

Phoenix Tears” cannabis oil is already curing people of cancer

When the cannabis cannsbinoids are consumed and get into the natural endocannabinoid system of the body they bind to the cannabinoid receptors in the same way as the endogenous cannabinoids bind. The result of this binding is self-destruction of the tumor cells. This has been proven for breast and brain cancers.
“Cells can die in different ways, and after cannabinoid treatment, they were dying in the clean way — they were committing suicide,” revealed Sanchez. “One of the advantages of cannabinoids… is that they target, specifically, the tumor cells. They don’t have any toxic effect on normal, non-tumoral cells. And this is an advantage with respect to standard chemotherapy, which targets basically everything.”
This is a lot like Rick Simpson procedure with “Phoenix Tears” cannabis oil which cured many people of cancer without the side effect of chemotherapy and radiation.

In the end Sanchez emphasized: “I cannot understand why in the U.S. cannabis is under Schedule I, because it is pretty obvious, not only from our work, but from the work of many other researchers, that the plant has very wide therapeutic potential,”.


Sourced: naturalnews