Beat Sugar Addiction in One Week with Peppermint

The refined sugar is considered to be extremely addictive. Professor Hoebel of Princeton University even claims that “sugar stimulates receptors to activate the same pathways that are stimulated directly by drugs such as heroin or morphine.” There is a study, published in 2010, in The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, stating that the addiction of sugar actually follows the same pathways in the brain as the addiction of drugs.

This addiction is a habit which many people face with and they find it difficult to drop. The body and the digestive tract become invaded with candida, parasites, yeast and many other bacteria related to the sugar, and not eating sugar actually causes severe withdrawal symptoms.

Luckily, there is a way to beat the sugar addiction by using natural ingredients. For instance, peppermint essential oil is perfect for this purpose. Alan Hirsch MD, made a research and found put that peppermint directly affects the brain`s satiety center. That means that it causes an impression of being full after meals. A simple inhaling of peppermint directly affects the brain`s satiety center as well as the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus.

How to Use the Peppermint Essential Oil :

When you feel the cravings, inhale deeply. You can also use a diffuser. There is yet another simple method and that is to apply peppermint essential oil to the feet.

  • Mix 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with 2 drops of coconut oil. Each morning and evening, apply this mixture down the inside center of your wrists.
  • Apply 2-4 drops on location, abdomen and temples
  • As mentioned above, you can also directly diffuse or inhale

Sourced: livingtraditionally