In the past century breast cancer was one of the main problems for women, but recently the situation has gotten even worse. According to the report of the American Cancer Society, “Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2013-2014 (PDF),” in 2013 more than 39,000 women in the U.S  “were expected to die from breast cancer. Only lung cancer accounts for more cancer deaths in women.”

The American Cancer Society (ACS) claims that the main reason for such a results and increase of women affected by cancer is the result of either of smoking or obesity.

There is a question whether the environment in which people live can contribute to the development of this disease. According to the report “Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now,” (PDF) environmental factors have been ignored by researchers and the ACS.

In the report it is clearly stated “It is more effective to prevent disease than to treat it, but cancer prevention efforts have focused narrowly on smoking, other lifestyle behaviors, and chemo-preventive interventions.”

Among this in the report listed many examples of the factors of the environment that are believed to have a contribution to the development of the disease.

A common issue about which many people and scientist talk about recently is the use of underarm deodorants and whether they can do any harm on the health.  Some claim that it can cause breast cancer but there are still not enough of a consensus has emerged for the ACS to confirm a link.


Antiperspirants, Deodorants And The Dangerous Chemical’s Inside

There are plenty of toxic chemicals in the antiperspirants and deodorants. According to the Breast Cancer Fund (BCF) the following are the ingredients that are part of these products that are considered to cause cancer:

-These have been found in the breast cancer biopsies and are absorbed by the skin. They are also considered to disrupt hormones and mimic natural estrogens.

-Triclosan is also part of these products and are thought to affect hormones and could be linked to breast cancer.

-Phthalates are endocrine disrupters, which interfere with the body’s hormone function. They are also closely related to breast cancer although the studies have only fueled controversy.

Besides these controversial product antiperspirants and deodorants can also include the following:

-Formaldehyde which is widely known for its carcinogen properties and for causing negative reactions of the body.

-Aluminum, which can hinder sweat and may be linked to breast cancer. It also disrupts lymph nodes and is linked to Alzheimer’s.

-Natural Cosmetics News also namesFD&C colors, which can be made from coal or tar and are carcinogenic.

-Propylene glycol is one more chemical that takes part in the deodorants. CDC declared this chemical to be dangerous, but besides this it is still approved by the FDA in personal care products. Allergic reactions and irritations are two more side effects from this chemical.

-According to the Natural Cosmetics News ingredients like TEA and DEA adjust pH levels and are used for fragrance or as a preservative. The Environmental Working Group’s database of toxic chemicals,Skin Deep, lists TEA as a low possibility of being toxic and DEA as a very high possibility.

All the above mentioned toxins are not entirely researched and there are still many doubts in relation with their effects. But however adding up the possible toxins is overwhelming. Maybe it is high time for you to clean the armpit from possible toxins.

What Can I do About Toxic Underarm Deodorants And Antiperspirants?

At the beginning we have to make a distinction between these two products. They are used for different purposes deodorants are used to remove the odor of the sweet, at the same time antiperspirants are used to reduce or prevent sweating. But it is not that good to prevent the sweating since it is essential for our health. Sweating prevents the body from overheating and at the same time releases toxins with which it may fight colds. So by eliminating sweating you might do harm to your body, and by that contribute to the development of breast cancer. We strongly recommend you to replace the antiperspirants.

ARMPIT CLEANSE: One Way to Reduce Your Risk of BREAST CANCER

Do you know to what do we refer when we say armpit cleanse? This does not mean that you will replace your deodorant and that’s all, it also means that you will have to detox your body. Blogger Laurie Neverman of Common Sense Home reviewed a product called Herbalix, which sells a system that contains a nighttime detox deodorant and a daytime deodorant as well. According to them they have reduced a patient’s cysts. But tou need to have in mind that this helps only to breast cancers caused by cysts which unluckily are in small percentage.

In case you decide to try it out you should know that like other detoxes, you may have reactions. While holistic nutritionist and certified nutritional practitioner Marisa Falconi discovered that her sweat glands excreted unpleasant toxins during the 3 weeks she went deodorant-free, she recommends it. Otherwise, she says, “the bacteria and sludge that is jammed up into your pores will stay there” and that might prevent your natural deodorant from working.

How Make AN Armpit Cleanse

It is simpler than you think. Few simple steps are all you have to do for detox and after that safely switch to a natural deodorant. And in the following text we present you Leah Segedie’s recommended cleanse:

– First stop using your current deodorant and start using a loofah always when you are taking a shower in that way you will remove the dead skin and the toxins from under your armpit.

– After the shower while you armpits are still wet apply aluminum free baking soda and after that your natural deodorant. You can also substitute the baking soda with benotonite clay mixed with apple cider vinegar and water to create a yogurt type of consistency. This is especially recommended for people who have sensitive skin.

– When you notice a odor from your armpits, wash them or take a shower and again apply aluminum free baking soda (or the benotente clay mixture) and apply the natural deodorant.

– Practice this for at least 2 weeks or in other words until your deodorant works for 6 hours.

At the begging you will probably need to repeat this many time even from 5 to 10 times during the day. But don’t worry as the time passes the number will decrease. Leah says that her cleanse ended after 4 days, and the average period is from 4 to 7 days.

Deodorants and antiperspirants can be replaced with DIY OR clean brands.

Some additional reccomendations

In case you don’t know where to buy a good deodorant we advise you to do that in a Thrive Market where you can purchase non-gmo food and natural products.

You are wondering whether the armpit detox is for you? Try it out and we assure you that you won`t regret it at all.

Sourced:  mamavation