9 Foods You Should Avoid And How They’re Aging Your Skin

9 Foods You Should Avoid And How They’re Aging Your Skin

Apart from affecting your internal organs, the food you consume affects your skin as well. Certain foods and nutrients give your skin a healthy, glowing and radiant look, while others produce negative effects and cause breakouts, puffiness, and premature aging.

Keep reading and learn which 9 foods should be avoided in order to have clearer, healthier, and more beautiful complexion.

  1. Processed Snack Foods

It is a well-known fact that processed foods are detrimental to your overall health, as well as to your skin. It is so because the further the grains are processed and lose their original state, the more they lose of their healthy features and natural nutrients. They often contain large amounts of sodium and sugar, ingredients that we don’t need more of. It is recommended to choose healthier variants, such as nuts and fruits.

  1. Salt

Apart from your processed food intake, you should always check your salt intake as well. Salt, especially the iodized one, causes your tissue to swell and agitate acne breakouts. This makes your skin look unhealthy and puffy.

  1. Caffeine

Caffeine should be one of the ingredients you need to cut down because being a diuretic; it severely dehydrates your skin. This means that it will dry out your skin and increase the production of cortisol at the same time. More cortisol is associated with faster aging process, making the skin thinner.

  1. Red Meat

According to many experts, red meat is loaded with carnitine, a compound which can harden the blood vessels walls, leading to premature aging. So, opt for veggie burger instead.

  1. Artificial Sweeteners and Colors

It is a well-known fact that artificial colors, preservatives and sweeteners lack nutritional value. They are basically science experiments that you are putting into your body. These artificial products can also cause irritation, especially if you are susceptible to allergies. Moreover, they often cause histamine and inflammation reactions, which worse off as your body is storing these chemicals.

  1. Fried Foods

The fats from fried foods are extremely unhealthy because they contain free radicals, compounds which can clog pores. It is recommended to choose healthy fats instead, such as olive and avocado oils.

  1. Alcohol

Caffeine is not the only ingredient that dehydrates your body. Alcohol dehydrates you even more. This seriously affects your skin because the body metabolizes the little water it gets before it even has the chance to reach the skin. Moreover, alcohol can cause vasodilatation, leading to rosacea. The rosacea makes your skin look dull. Apart from damaging your mental defenses, it does the same to your skin as well.

  1. Foods with High Glycemic Index

Foods with a high glycemic index significantly increase your glucose and insulin levels. That is the reason why these foods are associated with acne. Remember that a body with low glycemic diet has 50 % fewer accounts of acne. So, opt for whole grains products because they are high in anti-inflammatory agents as well as in antioxidants.

  1. Sugar

Sugar is one of the ingredients you consume the most. This is bad because the sugar weakens your immune system and it is one of the most aging foods. In addition, it accelerates the production of wrinkles and it makes your skin lack luster. This is due to the damage it caused in your body`s elastin and collagen. It is recommended to consume fruits instead of too much sugar.