8 Anti – Aging Secrets Asian Women Know That You Need To Steal

Asian women are well-known for looking younger than their actual age. Their secret is the Asian lifestyle and diet, which also makes them slim. Here are 8 tips how you can achieve the same appearance:

1. Drinking tons of green tea

Green tea is a powerful source of health benefits. It is abundant in antioxidants and other ingredients that boost the metabolism, so it is a must for every diet.

2. Soy in a huge part

Proteins that come from plants are now all the rage, but Asian people consume them for millennia. You can enrich your dinner with soy sauce, tofu, miso, edamame and so on.

3. A lot of moving

Asian people move a lot even in crowded cities as Hong Kong, because the public transport there is most often used. This means that there would be much more walking every day, which is one of the healthiest habits which also keep us slim.

4. The sun is not your friend

This does not mean that you must stay away from the sun, but you can carry an umbrella or wear a hat in order to protect yourself. This way you protect your skin without even applying sunscreen, even though applying sunscreen is also beneficial. The sun, even though it is the source of life, is also the source of wrinkles and skin cancer, so that is why you should use SPF.

5. For desert, have a fresh fruit

Asian people use fruit for desert, unlike western people. Most Asian deserts are based on fresh fruit, tofu or nuts. This means that you will take in fewer calories. Still, you can sometimes reward yourself with a piece of cake.

6. Consume ginger

They use ginger in almost everything: soups, stir-fry, and tea. It triggers blood circulation, boosts the immune system, and acts as an aphrodisiac.

7. Minimize the intake of dairy products

The Asian diet includes pretty low amounts of dairy products. One of the reasons is that milk is known to turn a 100-pound baby calf into a full-blown 1,000-pound adult cow. This is pretty eye-opening, isn’t it?

8. According to Chinese medicine, we should heal ourselves from within

The western medicine typically provides immediate cure with pharmaceutical drugs, and the Chinese medicine teaches us that health is being improved from the roots.

That is why instead of pharmaceutical drugs which only hide the symptoms of the problem, we should choose the long-term internal healing soups and natural medicines.

We can improve our health the best by listening to our body more frequently, which depends on our mindset, and Chinese medicine teaches us how to do that.