7 Of The Best Abs Workouts For Women at Home

It is a fact that nobody is very keen on exercise. However, thanks to the results which can be really promising many people are interested in finding the best abs workouts, especially the ones who want to lose their belly fat. This is the main reason why most people decide to do it, despite the fact that it may be sacrifice or torture to them.

Many people lose their motivation along the way, especially when it seems that any visible results aren’t happening. Even the best abdominal exercises cannot provide instant results and they cannot give you the six-pack abs right away. Importantly, these exercises can eliminate back pain, improve your overall posture and help you get a tougher body workout, which is not the case with most of the others workouts.

7 Of The Best Abs Workouts For Women at Home

Note:  It is possible that you don’t find the ab workouts for women quite enjoyable. However, if you manage to include part of these exercises in your routine, you can achieve the wanted results in a short period of time. Moreover, if you combine some of these exercises to the ones you usually do, you will avoid the lack of enjoyment and boredom, unlike the usual routines that make you feel less motivated.

We offer you a list of some of the best ab exercises for women which you are probably not familiar with.

  1. Stir The Pot


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Exclude the side crunches from your daily routine and include “stir the pot” instead. You will notice and enjoy the results soon enough.

You should place your feet against the floor while your forearms are resting on the stability ball. Roll the ball from the left and away from you by focusing on your core. As you do this routine you will be able to feel your abs contracting.  It is similar to how you are going to stir the pot of your favorite stew.

It is important to have an appropriate posture as you do the exercise and repeat the steps 5 times in each direction. It would be more challenging if the circle is larger. If you need some extra challenge to this and move up your knees to your toes.

  1. Inch Worm


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This exercise is mainly focused on the abs but it can help you firm your muscles and arms as well. It is very simple to perform and it is considered to be one of the best ab exercises for women.  Lean on your hips until your hands are already touching the floor. Walk your hands until you get to a plank position and focus on the muscles. Then, walk your legs toward your hands.

Your back should be flat and your legs should be as tight as possible. It is recommended to do 10 repetitions of the exercises or if you have some space, 30-60 repetitions.

  1. Bird Dog


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This abdominal exercises is proven to be very effective and plus, it is one of the simplest exercises for woman. It improves your posture and it can help you attain the stability you need for your lower back. In addition, you will be able to perform more challenging and complex exercises than before.

First, position your knees and hands.  The knees should be placed directly below your hips while the wrists should be directly below your shoulder. Try not to arch or round any of your spine as you contract your abs and lengthen and lift the right and left leg. The legs and arms should be placed in parallel position to the floor and in line with the shoulder and the hip.

The aim of this exercise is not the height but the length instead. It is essential to stay still and gently lower down towards the original position. It is recommended to do 10 repetitions on each side. In addition, try to maintain control during the set.

  1. Spiderman Plank


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This exercise is considered to be one of the best ab exercises for woman because it is a core stabilizer at the same time.

You need to keep your hips leveled and then bring the left knee closer to the left elbow. Change the legs for about 30 seconds. If you want to make the exercise even more challenging, bring your knee to the opposite elbow.

  1. Single – Leg Bride


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If you do some workout occasionally and you are not a fitness guru, you are probably very proud of the share of bridges you have performed.  Probably, the main reason for doing that is to develop hamstrings and glutes. Balancing with one leg can provide you the optimum results you want to achieve for a shorter period of time. If you are not going to balance with one leg only, you need to use your core muscles fully so that you keep your body stable.

The position you need to take for performing this exercise is the following: lie on the back with your arms by your side. You should place your left heel against the floor while you extend the light leg toward the ceiling. Make sure your spine is straight while you gently press the left heel and lift your hips up. Return to the original position and do these steps 12 times on each leg.

  1. Lower AB Leg Lift


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This exercise will help you tone your lower abs. You need to lie down on the floor and lift your legs toward the ceiling. It is important to squeeze your muscle thighs while you do this.  Support your head by your hands but don’t pull it down as you lift the neck.

Try to contract your abs in order to keep your lower back firmly on the ground. Then, lower your legs until your feet are 6-12 inches from the floor. You need to keep your legs straight and repeat this 12 times.

  1. Stability Ball Track


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The stability ball track is another very effective ab workout. The workout routine that uses a stability ball will help you stay in shape and it could contribute to muscle development.

Begin in a plank position and rest your ankles on top of the ball. Use your core and slowly pull your knees to your chest. You will notice how the hips will lift while the ball moves, just in case you are doing the exercises properly. Then, return to your original position and repeat 10 times.

Sourced: healthierdaily