7 Cancer – Causing Foods You Should Definitely Avoid

After detailed review in more than 7000 clinic studies which were researching the correlation between the food and the cancer, The World Fund for research of cancer revealed that people should stop consuming certain product till the end of their lives.

Processed meat products

Smoked, salty or any other type of meat which contains chemical preservatives is associated with the increased risk of colon cancer.

Carbonated drinks

 They contain a huge amount of calories, sugars and different ingredients that have no sustenance at all.

Potato crisp

Packed with trans-fats or hydrogenated vegetable fats, carbohydrates, flavors, colors and preservatives. The high temperature which is required for baking the potato chips is the main reason for the creation of cancerous tissues.

Popcorn prepared in microwave

According to some researches chemicals that are found inside of the packaging include acid, which is associated with infertility in humans. Also, research has revealed that the chemicals cause cancer of the liver, pancreas and testicles.

Artificially “raised” salmon

Not only that it contains much smaller amounts of vitamin D in respect of salmon from natural environments, but there are huge amounts of various pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls and carcinogenic pesticides.

Apples and other types of “dirty” fruit

It might sound strange but apples are considered to be the fruits with the biggest amount of pesticides. Therefore before consuming, wash them well under running water.

Canned tomatoes

The inside of the packaging of most canned meals contain bisphenol A, a chemical that acts like estrogen and disrupts hormonal activity of the organism. Studies have shown that this chemical is linked to heart diseases, damaged intestines, infertility and other reproductive problems.