6 Best Home Remedies For Snoring

Snoring is not a disease but can be a symptom of a bigger problem. Snoring occurs when our breathing is obstructed.  When we are awake, our throat muscles keep the throat open, but when we sleep our throat and mouth muscles are relaxed and our throat becomes narrower. Then when we breathe the relaxed tissue vibrates against the back of the throat which causes us to make loud noises. These obstructions can be caused by a cold, alcohol, weight issues, allergies, or even when we sleep on our back. Snoring can be occasional, but it can also turn into a chronic disease such as sleep apnea (an inability to breathe properly during sleep). Chronic sleep disorders are very dangerous because snoring reduces the amount of oxygen in our blood, which can affect our organs.

Here are six home remedies that can help you with your snoring:
  1. A teaspoon of olive oil before bedOlive oil is a natural lubricant and can help with an irritated throat.
  2. High intensity interval trainingInterval training will help your respiratory tract get stronger by working around 90 % of your heart during interval periods.
  3. Eucalyptus tea It possesses decongestant properties which will prevent snoring. It will clear the mucous and open air passages. To make eucalyptus tea, soak two teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves in a boiling cup of water, drain it and drink to prevent snoring.
  4. Lavender and chamomileThey can help with many sleep disorders because they calm the nerves. A cup of chamomile tea before going to bed is effective at relaxing the muscles. You can use an essential oil diffuser for the lavender oil because it relaxes the body when inhaled.
  5. Valerian root – It has sedative properties that will help you with your sleepless nights. Scientists have found that the Valerian root has an enormous influence on the human body and it has the ability to suppress the Central Nervous System and reduce muscle spasms. The essential oil of the Valerian Root reduces anxiety and increases the functional mobility processes in the brain cortex.
  6. Cardamom – It is an expectorant and decongestant, which makes it effective for opening up blocked nasal passages. Free air passage will result in less snoring.
    How to use it:
  1. Add half a teaspoon of cardamom powder to a glass of warm water.
  2. Drink it 30 minutes before going to bed.
  3. Do this daily to gradually reduce your snoring.

Sourced: livingtraditionally