5 Things You Need To Quit Doing If You Have Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common health issues nowadays. Annually, millions of people suffer it, and everyone is likely to experience it as some point or another. This issue is quite hard to cure, but if you experience back pain, stop doing the following 5 things:

1. Don’t avoid exercise

Even though lifting is not recommended, you should definitely exercise a bit. It is advisable to go for brisk, long walks or even a light jogging.

2. Don’t lift heavy weights

As mentioned above, lifting is off the table. So, if you lift weight for work or exercise, try to limit yourself for a while. It is not recommended to lift or carry anything that is heavier than 5 pounds for a week. You should allow your back relax and heal.

3. Don’t obsess over a diagnosis

Oftentimes, there is no a clear diagnosis for back pain. Don’t worry so much and don’t obsess over a diagnosis, unless the pain becomes extreme and unbearable. Move around, stretch, and try to strengthen the back muscles instead.

4. Work on better posture

The posture is a big issue when it comes to back health. The thing is, we tend to slouch too much. If you are working at a desk for hours, sit with both feet flat on the ground and keep your back straight. Also, the monitor of your computer shouldn’t be above the line of vision. Finally, don’t look slightly down while working.

5. Don’t just wait for it to go away

If you are concerned about chronic back pain and you can find nothing to relieve the pain, consult your doctor and get checked. The doctor will help you manage the pain or even eliminate it for good.