5 Simple Ways To Naturally Unclog Your Arteries And Get Rid Of Plaque

The blood cholesterol level could be easily increased, but it takes time and it is really difficult to get it back to normal. You will be lucky if it doesn’t spread or grow out of the bloodstream. Unfortunately the plaque can easily rupture and cause heart attack.

There are many reasons for plaque buildup some of them are high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, bad diet, high cholesterol, stress and excessive alcohol consumption. Trying to prevent these problems will be best way of prevention of blood plaque.

In case you are diagnosed with it, the following is what you should do to improve your condition and maybe get rid of it:

1. Give up smoking

Smoking is a risk factor for plaque buildup and it also makes the condition worse. Smokers have bigger chances for development of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

2. Take drugs for lowering cholesterol levels

If your condition is serious you will have to consume some pills. Doctors usually prescribe drugs like Statins, fibrates, niacin, and bile acid sequestrants for this purpose.

3. Consume a healthy diet

Pay more attention on what you are eating every day. Stop eating junky food and eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grins. This habit will keep you away from the complications that plaque causes.

4. Exercise regularly

Spend 20 minutes every day on exercises and be active. Exercising doesn’t mean that you will have to go to the gym. You can run, take a longer walk, ride a bike or swim. Just do something in which you will enjoy.

5. Last ditches resort

There are some procedures that can help you unclog your arteries. Three possible ways in which you can open blocked arteries are angioplasty, angiography, and steniting. Another option is bypass surgery where doctors harvest a healthy blood vessel from the chest or legs and replace the clogged artery.

These procedures are helpful, but it would be better if you prevent the complications and avoid them.