5 Simple and Inexpensive Cellulite Treatments

Women always look for effective and inexpensive ways to get rid of or reduce cellulite. Here are five cellulite treatments that you can try:5 Simple and Inexpensive Cellulite Treatments 1

  1. Hormone Balance
    Hormones play a huge part in cellulite formation and that is why balanced hormones will have a big effect on your efforts to reduce cellulite.
  2. Dry Brushing
    This method effectively opens the pores on your skin. It should be applied daily before taking a shower. For the brush, only use natural or vegetable ­derived bristles and not synthetic ones. Direction: Make long sweeps scrubbing in circular motion. Always brush towards the heart. Start with your feet, then move to your legs on both sides, and then to your arms towards your chest. When brushing your stomach, do it counterclockwise.
  3. Omega-3
    According to some studies, consuming fat soluble vitamins and Omega ­3 fatty acids will help you reduce cellulite over time. Of course, Omega 3 is very important for other functions of the body so there is no harm in trying this method.5 Simple and Inexpensive Cellulite Treatments 2
  4. Weight Training
    Targeted weight training can help you reduce cellulite in the affected areas of your body. Doing simple exercises at home can also have an effect on the cellulite. If you want to reduce cellulite all over your body, try cardiovascular exercises.
  5. Cellulite Cream
    This method costs a bit more that the previous ones. But it is also considered to be the fastest method. Cellulite creams can help you get rid of cellulite by strengthening the connective tissues. They are also supposed to make the skin on your body firmer.

Sourced: wellnessbin