5 Simple And Healthy Ways to Cut Portions

The essential thing to do, if you want to reduce weight is to burn more calories than you consume.  To achieve this it doesn’t mean that you will have to starve all the time. Instead of reducing your meals why don’t you try exercising more. In that way you can eat enough amount of food not to feel hungry during the day, and still reduce weight.

5 Simple And Healthy Ways to Cut Portions

In the following text we will give you some tips that will help you lose weight healthy, without feeling hungry!

1.      Drink water before meals

Drinking a glass of water or more before meals will make you feel less hungry since it will fill your stomach. In this way you will eat less and reduce weight. Also another benefit from this is that this ritual will prevent you from dehydration which is sometimes the reason why you are feeling hungry. And do you know that the grumbling of the stomach is a result of dehydration and lack of water in the body and it is not a sign of hunger as people believe?

Many people admit that they eat far more often when they are bored, if you are one of them start drinking a glass of water with lemonade when you are bored instead of having an extra meal.

2. Consume more Vegetables

Start consuming vegetables as much as possible and you will get many benefits from them since they are low calorie and nutrient high. You can add vegetables to all your meals such as stir-fry, pasta, seafood dish and sandwiches.

3. Plate Coloring

It might sound strange but researchers have proven that the color of your plate has a significant role of how much you will eat. They say that people who eat from plates which color doesn’t contrast with the food served in them eat 22 % more food. According to them the reason for this is that when your plate is different color you can judge the amount of food more accurately and thus avoid overeating.

4. Add Carbs, Don’t Add to Carbs

Don’t add your meal to carbohydrates add carbohydrates to your meal. Also add carbohydrates only in the meals in which you can`t avoid it, and in small amounts. For example don’t fill in your bowl with granola and then add some fruit and yogurt do the opposite fill you bowl with yogurt and fruits and add some granola to it.

Also we recommend you to change the way you prepare pasta. Instead of basing your meal on pasta, base it on grilled vegetables and meat and add only a small amount of pasta to it. In this way you will consume more healthy food and more vegetables.

5. Limit Portion Size

Have you ever been in situation when you are at home and you are carving for some chips, chocolate or whatever else that is testy, and you bring the whole package only to eat a small amount but you end up eating the whole. To avoid this put a small amount in a plate or bowl and leave the box into the kitchen, thus you will eat only the small served portion.

Sourced: theheartysoul