18 Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar That Will Surprise You

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has numerous uses and it is used for all sorts of things. Staring from cleaning and disinfecting too beautifying and cooking, it seems that apple cider vinegar is the solution to any household issue.

Sadly, most people tend to neglect this amazing ingredient and use it as salad dressing only. However, the following list will definitely convince you to include apple cider vinegar (ACV) into your life.

  1. Cure your sore throat by gargling with a 50/50 mix of water and ACV. This solution has the ability to kill off germs that are unable to thrive in an acidic environment.
  1. Get rid of toe fungus and warts by applying undiluted apple cider vinegar. When it comes to treatment of warts, just tape on a cotton ball soaked in ACV and let it work overnight.
  1. ACV can reduce swelling. Simply massage the ACV into the swollen areas of the body.
  1. Aid digestion, gas, and bloating by drinking 1 tbsp ACV mixed into a cup of water before meals. Due to the fact that apple cider vinegar contains pectin, it calms the intestinal spasms and fight off bacteria which oftentimes cause diarrhea.
  1. Stop hiccups with a spoonful of pure ACV. Apple cider vinegar has the ability to stop hiccups due to the fact that it over-stimulates the nerves in the throat that cause spasms.
  1. Treat liver spots on your skin with undiluted ACV. Just apply the ACV, let it work during the night, and rinse thoroughly.
  1. Use ACV to make a homemade facial mask. Mix ACV with honey and bentonite clay, apply onto the skin, and let it work for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse off well.
  1. Treat acne by applying a 1:4 ratio of ACV and water to the face. Undiluted ACV can be extremely effective in treating severe acne.
  1. Apple cider vinegar can be a natural soothing aftershave. Simply, dilute 50/50 water, shake well, and apply onto the face.
  1. Apple cider vinegar is a great natural (and cheap!) toner for your skin. Since it neutralizes pH and leaves your skin feeling smooth and soft. If you find the smell too strong, feel free to dilute 50/50 with water. Then, wipe over the face.
  1. Clear your nasal passages by adding 1 tsp ACV to a glass of water. The potassium present in ACV thins the mucus and the acetic acid destroys bacteria.
  1. Boost your energy by adding a tablespoon of ACV to a glass of water. The enzyme and potassium content makes ACV great in preventing the sense of exhaustion.
  1. Get rid of bad breath. Gargle some ACV and water for about 10 minutes.
  1. Add a cup of ACV to the bathtub for a relaxing soak. This bath relieves sunburn and it calms itchy skin.
  1. ACV is a natural deodorant. Simply, apply ACV to your armpits and it will neutralize the unpleasant odors.
  1. Use ACV to condition your hair. This is required after a baking soda wash as it neutralizes the overly basic soda. In addition, it makes the hair shiny if you add extra conditioning even after using regular shampoo.
  1. Eliminate dandruff by spraying a 50/50 mix of water and ACV onto your scalp. Let it soak for about 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Don’t worry about the smell, as it will disappear once your hair dries.
  1. Use ACV to clean your house. Finally, ACV can be used as natural cleanser. Just mix it with water and transfer the solution into a spray bottle. Then, wipe off with a clean cloth.